The rest of my week consisted on Bella bugging me about Edward's absence and how it was her fault and me trying to convince her that there was no way that a guy skipped a whole week of school because he disliked his biology partner.
She didn't believe me and kept bugging me about the same topic.
I haven't actually made any new friends, not even Maggie speaks to me anymore, and Rosalie only talks to me the absolutely necessary.
I was a little sad about it to be honest, I thought that maybe we could all be friends but Rosalie had made it absolutely clear that she doesn't want to be friends with me. Also things with Lauren had gotten a little worse, I have been doing all of her homework and she keeps being just plain mean.
Bella's week hasn't been considerable better. Besides her being obsessed about Edward Cullen, she was also being harassed by like 4 guys that insisted on dating her. I loved my sister but sometimes she got on my nerves, I mean I was getting picked on by a mean girl just because she could and Bella felt bad because four guys wanted to date her.
On the other hand, our interactions with Charlie had been pretty good, for me it wasn't so awkward but for my sister it was a different story. Bella really should get paid for being awkward by now she'd be a millionaire.
Right now we were on our way to the Push to have fried fish with the Clearwaters and the Blacks Charlie was actually really excited to take us to this "tradition" that he had establish with his the La Push friends. It just consisted on having lunch on Sundays once a month, not a big deal but Charlie was acting as if it was an initiation of sorts.
"Here we are!"Charlie announced while he turned off the engine, I looked out the window to see a beautiful but small house. It looked rather homey and the Black's car was already Parked right besides Charlie's cruiser. We got off the car and headed to the door, each of us with something. Charlie was carrying 2 six pack of Bud Light, Bella a lasagna she made before coming and I was carrying an apple pie that I had baked. A woman with black hair and native American traits opened the door and beamed when she saw who we were.
"Charlie, Hi! This must be Isabella and Soffia" she welcomed us with a kind smile and gesturing at us, however she mixed up our names.
"I'm Soff and she is my sister Bella" I cleared that up and she gave us a shy smile.
"Oh I'm so sorry guys, is just that the last time I saw you both you were in diapers" she apologized but both Bella and I gave her a smile as if saying "Never mind".
To be fair we both had no idea who she was, so we were good.
"We brought some things to share Mrs. Clearwater" I smiled at her while coming inside, she nodded and told us to put it in the dinner table. There were Billy and Jacob Black along with another man who assumed to be Harry Clearwater, Charlie's friend. There were also two other persons, a boy who looked like my age or a year younger and a girl who appeared to be a little older than Bella. Charlie greeted Harry with a side hug and palmed Billy's back.
"Hi Bella" Jacob chirped a little too excited if you ask me, I think someone's got a crush.
"This are my children, Seth and Leah, Seth is 14 and Leah is 18" Sue introduces her children, the boy waved at us rather cheerful and the girl simply smiled but she looked bored out of her mind and a little sad, all of them had this Native America vibe to their traits.
"You guys can chat for a while, we are going to check the fried fish that we are doing outside" Harry told us and wheeled Billy outside followed by Charlie and Sue.
"So are you guys from Phoenix?" Seth asked once he jumped on the sofa and we all joined, him and his sister sat in a love seat and Bella sat with Jacob in another one leaving me the lazy-boy couch.
"We moved here like a week ago" I replied with a kind smile, I liked him he was nice.
"Tell me Bella how was your first week, were the pale faces nice to you?" Jacob joked and elbowed her lightly. She laughed awkwardly. Oblivious that he was trying to make a move on her.
"It was alright" she shrugged her shoulders, I rolled my eyes and turned to the Clearwater siblings. Letting Jacob try and flirt with my clueless sister.
"I haven't see you in school, were you sick or something? " I asked them curious as to why I hadn't seen them around in such a small school. It had been a week and I think that I had already met every student that attended there.
"I am in junior high" Seth chirped in, I nodded at him and looked at his sister.
"We go to school in the reservation, all of us" Leah simply answered and pointed at the three the La Push teens. Well, that explained it all. I felt a little disappointment, I could really use a friend.
After a while the adults came back with the food and we started eating, it was fun. Bella and I never have had a numerous family, it was just always just each other Mom and Dad, eventually Phil or whoever Mom was dating and Grandma Swan before she passed.
So it was refreshing to have a family friendly Sunday for a change. We ate between jokes and conversations, Leah was seating right next to me and it seem like she was opening up a little bit. She told me about her senior class and the credits she was taking, and included how she was thinking about taking a year off to volunteer in the community service in La Push. I thought that it was greatly selfless of her.
We left after eating for dessert the pie we baked and Sue washed the glass mold for us to take it back to our home.
"So what you think? Did you guys, like Seth and Leah?" Charlie asked us trying to sound nonchalantly however, I could hear the nervousness on his tone. Of course, he wanted us to like his friends.
Ever since we came to live with him, Charlie has done his best to make us feel welcome and comfortable. For me this was heave compared with living with Renee.
"They are alright" Bella replied quietly also picking up on Charlie's tone.
"I think they are amazing, I hope we can do it again" I assured Charlie and he beamed at that, obviously he was happy that we had adapted at something that was a huge part of his costumes.
"That's great!" was all he said before we submerged in silence until we arrived home, I headed to my room to start doing an essay that Lauren had demanded me to do for her. I heard a knock on my door so I told them come in and Bella's head popped up before her body followed her.
"Do you think that maybe he would be there tomorrow?" She was biting her lip trying to asses my reaction, I sighed deeply and rolled my eyes.
"Dear sister of mine, I think you have a problem" I shook my head at her, she threw herself at my bed.
"Can you stop the sarcasm for a minute?" She rolled her eyes back at me.
"I think that he has have a week to heal from whatever he is sick from and that perhaps, yes, he would be at school" I talked slowly making clear that in no way he was not in school because of her "And that is not going to be related at all with you"
She nodded her head taking in all of what I said.
"Are you still persisting in confronting him?" I questioned her with an arched eyebrow.
"I was thinking about ignoring him, actually" My sister's reply surprised me, Bella was nothing if not stubborn so her backing down from her original idea really took me by surprise.
Maybe it was for the best, tho.
There was something weird about the Cullens.

Dancing with our hands tied | Rosalie Hale
Fanfiction~~BOOK 1 of the Soffia Swan Series~~ When 17 year-old Bella Swan and her 15 year-old sister Soffia Swan moved to live with their father in the uneventful town of Forks they found love, friendship and adventure. "Breathing, as a person who has suffer...