Chapter 5: The arcade

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"So... Are you gonna tell me what the hell is going on with you?" I asked Bella when she was stirring something in the stove, she huffed and blew some hair out of her face because of it.

"I said nothing is wrong, just let it go Soff!"- she exclaimed exasperated and I groaned.

"You know what, I'll go and take a walk to take some pictures and maybe when I comeback you'll feel like talking" I said in a condescending tone and hanged my camera around my neck. 

I headed towards the door and turned to look at Bella but she wasn't even paying attention to me. She seemed deep in her thoughts.

I walked outside of the house and went to the edge of the forest, there was an improvised station where Charlie cut wood and I started taking pictures of it.

Photography was great but I was all about aesthetics and unanimated objects, there was a beauty of giving life to objects that were unanimated thru a camera lens.

When I was satisfied with my shots I started walking down the road and started taking some shots of it while I kept walking, I was really relaxed and on my element. 

Not long after walking a bit I got into this store. In fact, it was some kind of old seven eleven, there also was some arcade machines outside of a joint coffee shop. It looked kind of retro and I walked over there to explore a little more, I didn't remember any of this from my visit to Forks but yet again I haven't been here since I was 6.

The closer I walked I could notice more people that were playing in some of the arcade machines outside of the coffee shop, that now that I was closer I could see the arcade's neon light sign it that read "Marty's Play land". 

I stopped briefly to take picture of it, I admired the shot that was actually nearly perfect, just needed some editing to highlight the lights.

First, I heard the door bell and next I know someone walked into me and pushed me to the ground. I tried to lift my camera above my head to protect it from hitting the ground but then I didn't have the chance to put my hands to break my fall so my face hit the graveled ground and I instantly grimaced in pain while a pained gasp escaped my lips.

"I already told you that you should watch where you going" that nasal voice ringed in my ears and laughter broke out, I rolled myself into my back and cradle my camera into my chest while my other cupped my face to see if I was bleeding, luckily it was not. 

Then I turned to see her, Lauren. However, she was not alone, Tyler, Eric and some other two girls that I recognized as Ruth and Brie, they were Lauren's minions and were on my Calculus class.

"Lauren, don't be mean! My girl Soff and I, we are friends" Tyler said in a mocking tone while helping me up, I dusted my pants off and rubbed carefully my left cheek that was throbbing, that would bruise by sure.

"What you mean?" Lauren's voice sounded angry and I blushed while looking down and checking that my camera was not broken because I sure as hell wouldn't be able to afford a new one.

"She and I have a deal. Don't we, Soff?" Tyler's question made me look at him and then to Lauren that was red in the face in anger and glared at me. I nodded.

"And what kind of deal is that?" I gulped when Lauren took a step further to me. 

"She plays nice and helps us out with school and in return we can be friends" Tyler replied while passing his arm around my shoulders

 I only made myself smaller, I was getting really awkward about the whole situation but stopped myself from speaking to avoid  making things worse.

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