C.H.A.P.T.E.R 10

123 9 1

[ Park Eunbi POV ]

At this point, he was confuse.

" And what makes you say that? Remember the text? " He asked. Sudden flashback came in my mind.

K. Crabss : Well, someone did actually fall for her but decided not to tell her cause he knew that he'll be rejected since we just barely know each other and since he's still confuse with his feelings

P. Eunbiie : Wait- what?!

" What about it? Don't tell me it's Jin," I chuckled.

" As much as I didn't want to say it but yes, it's him "

" Namjoon did say that he's still confuse, you know," I highlighted his words while Taehyung just shrugged his shoulders.

" Then why did he believe her over me? " I sighed. " Even my own best friend and the others believed her," I chuckled bitterly.

" Nevertheless, I still appreciate you for believing me and you were always there for me," I smiled at him.

" But...why didn't you believe her though? " I asked in curiosity.

" The moment she came in, I don't know, something about her just feels off and the moment I heard that Jin-hyung and her exchanged phone numbers, that's when I smelled something fishy so yeah..." He explained though I felt like there's something more that he did.

" Hmm...I guess you really can't mess with and joke around about the ' Taehyung's vibe check ' huh," I smiled cheekily and he just scoffed arrogantly.

" Alright, I'm gonna go sleep now. You can go out if you want to explore the city," I said.

" If you say so. Your loss then," He sticked out his tongue and went out with his camera.

I just stared at the closed door as he just left me dumbfounded. I didn't expect him to do what I said and leave me here but okay...

I just shrugged it off and went to the unused bedroom to sleep in there.

[ Park Eunha POV ]

The car was filled with our laughs.

" I had a great day today," Jungkook commented.

" I did too," I sighed from tiredness.

As we arrived at the college, we didn't even realize that we were holding hands until a group of girls gasped and their gaze were on our connected hands. Their reactions made me pulled my hand away and blush crept on my cheeks while Jungkook just ignored their presence.

He accompanied me to my room and as we were getting closer to my room, he broke the silence.

" Let's meet tomorrow again. You know, to deal with the you know who," He smiled and I just nodded.

" You're going to sleep alone tonight, right? " He asked.

" Well yeah," I answered in a matter of fact.

" Want me to sleepover? " He smirked.

" W-what the?! No! B*tch, you better stop with your teasing," I crossed my arms.

" Oh should I? Or else what? " He asked as he pinned me to the wall.

This is getting out of hand. This is a dream, I'm living in a fantasy.

He slowly leaned in when we heard someone's cleared her throat. We parted ourselves and looked at where the voice came from. Yoo Nara.

This b*tch really knows how to ruin some fun.

Wait...Am I getting frustrated because we didn't get to kiss or something else? Huh, whatever, her presence just makes me wanna puke at her.

" What do you want? " I gritted my teeth.

" Huh? Oh, nothing. I was just searching for Jungkook," She said.

" Why? " I asked and she rolled her eyes. She dare to do that?

" Why do you care? It's not like you're his girlfriend or something," She snapped.

" Oh yeah? Didn't you see that you just interrupted us? Didn't you see what were going to do? We were about to kiss for God's sake! " This time, it's my turn to snap.

She looked taken aback at what I said.

" Whatever," She scoffed and walked away.

" Yeah that's right, walk away like how you always do," I said lowly though Jungkook heard me.

I looked at him and saw how he was holding his smile.

" What? " I tilted my head.

" I didn't know you were that deperate to kiss me," He smirked and I just realized what I said to her just now made me blush uncontrollably so I ran to my room and closed the door.

I heard his footsteps getting closer and said " Don't forget our date tomorrow " and walked away.

Ah! What a day!

If only Eunbi is here, I'm sure I won't stop squealing. She must've already arrived there so I decided to call her.

Soon, the call picked up.

[ Phone call ]

EH : Hy there hot stuff! HAHAHA, don't mind me being sooo hyper right now. I. JUST. HAD. A. FREAKING. DATE. WITH. MY. CRUSH! Can't you believe that?! We even almost kissed until that b*tch had to appear out of nowhere and ruin the fun. If only I had a gun, I would already killed her right away.

TH : Gurl, I know you were having a great day and not-so-great time but chill out.

EH : WHAT THE- I'm calling Eunbi to talk to her not to Kim f*cking Taehyung!

TH : HAHAHAHA, she's asleep right now and I don't want to wake her up so yeah.

EH : Oh yeah, I forgot that we have different time zones. It's 10pm here. What about you guys?

TH : It's 2pm

EH : Afternoon? Since when Eunbi sleep in the afternoon?

TH : She's having a fever so she's having a rest right now

EH : Ohh..okay. Well then good night to me and good afternoon to you!

TH : Yeaah and also...

EH : Hm?

TH : You like Jungkook, aren't you?

[ Call Ended ]

How the heck?! Did he installed drones everywhere or what?!

I just sighed and took a bath as I spent my day today with the love of my life.

That was so clichè, why the heck did I say that?

Anyway, after finish showering, I plopped on my bed as I scrolled down the pictures of us together.

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