Soccer Game

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Stretches and warm ups have begun on the field of Decatur High School. I definitely don't miss this place, the people here were okay, but I hated the teachers. One good thing about this place though, is that all the athletic teams suck, so we're for sure going to win.

After our team huddle the whistle blows and we all make our way onto the field.

I look over at our team goal at Bailey, she smiles at me and that gives me confidence that we're going to win.

The game starts and I run to the other side of the field. The ball is being passed around in the middle, but soon one of my teammates get it and kick it my way. I jump in the way of the ball and weave my way around the defense. None of my teammates are near me so I'm on my own with the other team's defense. 

I see an open shot for the goal and shoot it. The ball misses the goalie's hand by an inch and the ball flies into the net. Cheers erupt and I run back to the center of the field. My team comes and pats me on my back and congratulates me and then we're back in the game.

The rest of the game runs smoothly and my team makes 2 more goals, finally the game ends and we go and give high fives to the other team. I get weird looks as I'm passing the other team, and I recognize a couple of them from when I use to go here.

Once everyone is starting to leave I make my way over to the other team.

"Hey Jay, I didn't expect to see you here." A girl says.

I shrug and say, "Neither did I."

"Ha, good one. I don't know if you remember me, I'm Alysaa." She says.

Her name clicks in my mind with memories and I smile remembering her. We were friends, but we weren't very close.

"The school misses you." Alyssa says.

"Ha, I bet. I made the place a bit more lively."

"You really did." Alyssa says, leaning closer. Soon her lips are on mine. They're chapped and feel wrong on mine.

I break away and say, "Alyssa, I'm sorry. But I can't."

Tears come to my eyes as I see Bailey in the distance.

I cover my mouth and run off. I can't believe Bailey saw us, but I hope she won't think anything bad from it.

A/N: Bad ending, and a bit rushed sorry! I'll try to make up for this one with a better one next time.

Crushing On The Soccer Queen (GirlxGirl)Where stories live. Discover now