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There is this broken part of me,

That I wish that no one would try to fix.

They think they can save me,

From underneath this pile of bricks.

Can't you just leave me alone?

I don't need your futile help.

I am not condoned,

To my own fate,

Like you think I am.

Don't just stand there and wait for me.

I'll never get up,

Or escape this cage or break free.

I don't need to hear your pity,

Your lies, nor offers of your aid.

Can't you just see that I am fine,

Just the way I am?

You don't need you to assign,

Or designate someone to save me from myself.

I am choosing to do this on my own volition,

And I don't need you to continue your mission,

Thinking that it is for the best.

Can't you give this conversation a rest?

I am so sick and tired,

Of repeating myself again to you.

I like the way I am.

I don't need you to help me stand,

On my own two feet.

I like that I am broken, a little bit imperfect,

With cracks and flaws,

It's what makes me feel human.

I am not some old jigsaw,

That needs to be pieced back together.

Don't try to guide me to your ways,

Like an unbroken stallion on a make-shift tether.

I'll rear, kick, and fight,

Against you will all of my might.

I won't let you drag me away.

I want to stay,

And face my own plight.

I need to understand what I've been,

Running away from for so long.

Before you'll even know it,

I'll finally be gone.

What is it that drives me,

To want to be this way?

I need be strong in my will,

I cannot let myself be swayed,

By such trivial things.

I don't need to hear you,

And your blathering.

Shut up and leave me be,

I will never agree with you,

Or obey you in any degree.

You can try to slap on some duct tape,

Try to patch the pieces of my heart.

But that won't save me from my own decisions,

That I myself, made at the start.

Don't make me your Frankenstein,

A framework and patchwork,

Of the perfect image you wish to be.

I'll never conform to your ideals,

I'll keep battling to be me.

Leave me alone,

So that I may atone,

And think about the mistakes that I have made.

I want to remain broken,

As some old token.

I am no longer afraid.

The things that have previously weighed me down,

That have chained me here in my physical form,

Are the only reason why I'll never adorn,

That false crown you forged for me.

I am beautiful; I am broken;

I have finally found the key,

To be myself.

I don't need to be fixed;

I don't need to change.

I will remain the same;

And bring glory,

To my own name.

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