Damian Is An Obsessive Hamilfan

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"Hey." Cady replied, not looking up from her calculus homework.


"Hey." She replied again.


"Damian, what do you want?" She asked, exasperated. He simply grinned.


She shook her head. "I refuse." He looked at her with puppy eyes and a trembling lip. "God, I hate it when you do that. Fine. Hey."


Cady screeched and fell out of her chair with a thud. Damian loomed over her. "Boy you got me HELPLESS!" He then pranced out of the room, still singing. Cady struggled to her feet, rubbing her head. She sighed, and went back to her homework.

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Janis groaned in frustration. She had been working on a painting of Cady for six hours, and she was exhausted. She just couldn't seem to get her eyes right. Damian appeared in the doorway. 

"Janis, you should really take a break." He sung the last part. 

She swiveled around to face him. "Yeah, maybe you're right." He seemed to be suppressing a smile. "Am I your right hand man?" She shrugged. "Whatever it takes to make you happy, sure." 

He giggled. "Are you not satisfied with your painting?" He asked. Janis absentmindedly tossed her paintbrush from hand to hand. "That's an understatement." She then began to rant about all the little details in her painting that she hated. While she spoke, Damian made his escape. 

He ran down the hallway, laughing maniacally. I'm such a genius. He thought to himself. They will never know what's coming.

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Cady and Janis were cuddling in the living room, enjoying the moment. "What do you think about making a trip uptown?" Janis asked. "It'll be a big adventure." Cady rolled her eyes playfully. "Jan, honey, we live uptown." She shrugged. "So what?"

"It's quiet uptown, do you like it uptown?" 

Both girls shrieked, clutching each other. Damian swayed through the room, wearing what appeared to be a dress from the Revolutionary War. It was blue. 

"He is trying to do the unimaginable." He sang in a high pitched voice, twirling. "Damian, what the actual hecking heck with a cherry on top?" Janis asked. He fluffed his large, poofy skirt. "Forgiveness. Can you imagine?" He then tripped over his skirt and fell face first onto the carpet. Cady and Janis burst out laughing. Damian popped up like a Jack in the Box. "What are you doing Lee, get back on your feet!" He barked, deepening his voice. He lifted up his dress and sprinted away. They could still hear him saying "But there's so many of them!" As he ran.

"What was that?" Cady asked, still holding onto Janis. She shook her head. "I've learned to just go with it."

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