Part One

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It was the best summer I've ever had! The sun was shining through the newly bloomed leaves in the trees, creating images and shadows in the field which Jaden manipulated with his abilities. He animated seagulls gliding in the wind, oxes fighting for dominance and lastly a phoenix rising from its ashes.

"How are you doing that?" I asked with a slight chuckle, just before Jaden silenced me with his fingers as they slowly moved from moving around shadows on the ground, to slowly moving up my thigh, giving me goosebumps as he got halfway up my arm.

His silky fingers made their way up my neck, only then to stop by my face. He lightly grabbed my chin and pulled it upwards as he dove in for a kiss. Jaden loosened his grip from my chin and further moved his fingers through my orange-pixie cut hair, still kissing me with his soft lips while he did so.

If only the world was the same as when I was sixteen. I still dream of this day every night, but when I wake up and I find myself all alone, I know I'm only dreaming. I haven't even seen Jaden in probably two years or so now and I still don't know what happened to him after that day?

"The world has changed! Ever since scientists started finding changes in the blood-cells of kids and teens across the world. Many of these kids and teens with this change in their blood have all gained all sorts of abilities that would make the toughest of men cry! But do not fear! We in co-operation with the army have built facilities for these kids and teens, where they can learn to control their abilities. When these kids and teens are ready, they will join forces with us 'homo-sapiens' to build a better world. A world where we all can live in peace and harmony. Long live the world! And long live the changes!" said Jonathan Prune, a pale man with an abnormally large head compared to his body.

Jonathan Prune was known to wear a tight prune colored coat, which probably pushed what was left of blood in his body up all the way to his head. Johnathan always wore that prune colored coat whenever there were cameras or paparazzi nearby, but we all know how sick he is when he doesn't wear it!

"Coward!" yelled a boy from a group of teens in the back of the cafeteria and started throwing food on the main monitor, showing the same speech we've seen throughout the years we were in here. "Calm down!" yelled one of the security guards from across the cafeteria and grabbed a hold of his baton.

The security guards in the facilities like mine, usually looked like the biggest guys from MMA. Which probably helped a lot? Considering that all the kids and teens that are locked up here, can easily kill them or create a riot, if it weren't for the inhibitor collars they made us wear.

"Release me from this collar and we'll see who's going to be calm after I smash your face in!" Yelled the same boy from the group of the teens and started tugging at his collar but struggled because of the almost metallic looking gloves he wore.

The large security guard marched towards the group in the back, where the boy took his stands and was ready to fight the guard that towered over him. The boy tightened his fists, but just as the security guy arrived at the table. The guard simply just turned around and left the group's table as fast as he had reached it.

The security guard left the table with a sinister smile as he got a remote-control from his pocket and held it in his hand. All the teens and kids that saw this, turned their heads and covered their ears to prepare for horrible screaming that would occur on a daily basis.

The security guard stood in the middle of the cafeteria under the gigantic guard tower and held the remote high in the air, just before he pushed the button for all of us to see, which activated the inhibitor collar around the boy's neck and started to shock him!

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