3. Timber

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Even though I liked Gary, it wasn't so simple as it may seem. Even if Ronnie and I got along, and my reputation wasn't complete shit, it still wouldn't be able to happen. Which sucks, he's the first guy I've had real feelings for in a long time. These thoughts have been running through my mind for hours. My dad was up already, no wonder. He works at three o clock in the morning. Somehow I had to get this dream out of my head, the only way to do that was to stop thinking about him kissing me.

In a few hours, I'd probobly have to see him again. It's not a big school, avoiding him would be a lost cause. I already have to avoid Ryder which is hard enough. Ronnie too, I don't need to add Gary to that list.

I laid awake for a bit, alone with my thoughts. I'd wondered if Gary had been thinking about me too. He was shy, I wasn't expecting him to ask me to be his girlfriend anytime soon. It sorta disappointed me, but at the same time, it's probobly for the best. Even though it happened a year ago, the incidents still shake me.

I didn't tell anyone except Bethany about most of it. My parents knew how badly he treated me towards the end of the relationship, they never knew about my pregnancy though. Which also ended in diaster. Ryder never started treating me badly until I miscarried.

Ever since then, I've been very careful with love. I know now I have feelings, real ones for Gary. It was times like this that I wished Bethany was still around.

School dragged on. I hadn't seen Gary today. It was around 4:00 in the afternoon now. My face lit up when I saw Gary and Ronnie outside smoking. I could tell Gary saw me, I avoided making eye contact with him for any longer and returned to doing my math homework.

Once I finished, they were still standing outside.

"Hey. Kennedy." Gary chased after me, I turned around and he put a hand on my shoulder. "Want me to walk you home? I need to talk to you."

I turned to look back at Ronnie, who was still taking drags off his cigerette, not paying attention. So, with my cheeks beginning to tint pink, I nodded. "Sure. We can take the short cut. As long as you don't get hit by a train."

There was silence until we got to the train tracks. Gary gave me a free cigerette which I very much appreciated, after a long day I could use it.

I'd wondered what Gary wanted to talk about. He was nervous, I'd assumed he'd wanted to talk about the kiss.

Gary opened his mouth to say something, or at least I thought he was going to speak, but his mouth just stayed open.

"What? Is there a train?" I asked, laughing slightly, but Gary shook his head. As we got closer, I noticed it was a mastiff tied to the tracks.

"Jesus Christ. Who the hell could be so mean?" I bent down next to the animal, running my hands around her ears. Gary sat down next to me, loosing a few of the easy knots. The dog looked hurt. "We'll have to take her to a vet. She looks pregant too. We better get these ropes off first."

Gary and I took turns taking watch for the trains. When the dog was finally set free, we carefully got her off the tracks. "I'll stitch her up. I've done this before."

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