Chapter 19

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In some certain classes, at the particular restaurant at the lunch breaks and on the campus in the afternoons, Jinyoung was always found with Eunju. She would not leave his side and he had no objections. On her part, this relationship was real and on his part, she was just something that could keep Mark away.

There were some girls who were jealous or envious of Eunju; they witnessed how in high spirits she was, next to Jinyoung's impassive self. They saw her as someone who had conquered something they would never be able to.

But all it lasted was two days. Then she was no more beside Jinyoung and was now someone who could only look at Jinyoung from a distance, with the longing eyes that said she wanted him back.

On the third day when Jinyoung's and her relationship had ended, she had been found crying at the toilet sink by her friends. Jinyoung had broken up with her, that was all she could say. Soon afterwards, the news became a juicy gossip for those girls who had once envied her.

Just on that day, Jinyoung was also confronted by Mark, who had found out about the breakup. It was in the afternoon when Jinyoung was on his way out of the campus that Mark ran after him and stopped him.

It was the very first time they were this close since that afternoon when Jinyoung and Eunju had become a thing. This time, no matter how Jinyoung's expression had both impatience and irritation mixed, Mark did not waver.

"Why did you have to do that?" Mark said, "Why did you break up with her in such a short time? No, why did you date her, if you didn't love her?"

Ironically, Mark still thought he had his say on what Jinyoung did or had done. Jinyoung wanted to laugh and tell him to mind his own business. But to say those words would be easier if it was to someone else.

"Why, Jinyoung, why're you doing all of this? I know you didn't mean any of this. You're not someone who'll break someone's heart on purpose. Then, why? Give me a reason. Let me still believe that you're still someone who I've known very well," Mark said, his eyes trying to find any positive reaction from Jinyoung.

"Why do you care?" Jinyoung said, to Mark's surprise. "If you want me to give you a reason, I've a solid one. I wanted to know what it felt like to break someone's heart."

"What... what do you mean? Jinyoung, please stop this. I don't understand-"

"You do know what it feels like, right? To break someone's heart?" Jinyoung asked, with an eyebrow raised.

He did not have a chance to hear what Mark would have said, as Mark's attention was called by someone, who walked to him straight.

Only then, Jinyoung knew the sight of Mark and Seoah together still had such an unsettling effect on him. He could not shift his eyes away from them immediately but he knew what to do.

Like Mark could see Jinyoung was on the verge of moving away, he said in a hurry, "No. Don't go yet. I still need to know what you meant. And are you still going to act like a stranger to me? We'll be on good terms again, won't we? Say 'we'll'. Please, Jinyoung." His hand was unconsciously holding Jinyoung's wrist to prevent him from going away.

"This is the last time we ever talk, Mark." Jinyoung started to walk away, Mark's hand lifelessly slipping off his.

A few days later, there was another girl by Jinyoung's side. She was someone from one of the minor classes Jinyoung had and someone Mark had never met before. For Jinyoung, she was someone who could distract him like Eunju had done.

Mark could learn Jinyoung was in another relationship only when he saw them together at one of the lunch breaks. He thought Jinyoung had already stopped this. If Jinyoung was being like this because of him, then it was his responsibility to bring all of this to a stop.

But Jinyoung would not talk to him, would not listen to him, and in fact would not give him any chance to talk to him. Those days were harder to him than he wanted to admit.

Just a few days after he had found out about Jinyoung's relationship, he did again that they had broken up. This time, it was himself who saw her crying on the bench Jinyoung usually sat.

By the time he saw her, she was alone and he could sense that the breakup had just happened before he was here.

She obviously did not like his presence but when he introduced himself as Jinyoung's friend, she, still uncertainly, let him sit and console her.

"Can I know why he broke up with you?" Mark asked, trying to sound more concerned for her than curious.

"He-he just said he couldn't continue o-our relationship," she, namely Jiwon, said, trying to stop her sobs. "I knew he didn't like me in the first place and I still felt upset. Knowing that he's not feeling how I'm feeling, is all worse. There was not even a spark of regret in his eyes. I hate him!"

"I'm sorry. I think you shouldn't have accepted him if you knew he didn't like you," Mark tried to reason.

She was hesitated for a moment but then said, "It was... it was me who told him my feelings first. I thought maybe I could make him fall for me."

"I'm sorry," Mark said, "I'm saying this on behalf of him. Please don't hate him even if you can't forgive him."

Mark remained and comforted her till she could finally compose herself again. He felt he should.

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