I'll Be Right Back

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Grian's POV


Team Z.I.T. reported back to the rest of the cleverly named Team GEE, saying that they had finished their work there. I guessed that place was pretty dangerous now- fantastic! I mean, not that much could be more dangerous than Benji's base. A cat with that much power... that was just begging for trouble. 

Cub and Scar would be over there soon to decorate the place, and since Cub loved setting up traps so much, he would be trapping the base in case Team Den infiltrated it. We knew that they were probably spying on us, trying to figure out where the base was. 

To throw them off, Mumbo and I flew off in the opposite direction towards a jungle biome. Hopefully that would keep them off of our tracks for a while. 

The tall, non-mustached man and I wandered around the jungle, waiting for a sign that they had found us. 

"What if I draw a mustache on?" Mumbo asked, insecure about his hairless face. I had to admit, it was a bit disturbing. 

I chuckled. "I think that would make it worse, to be honest with you."

He sighed and ran his hand across the vines dangling from a tree as we walked past them. "You're probably right."

I looked around us, keeping an eye out for a hermit from Team Den. Nothing, so far.

I was captivated by the beauty of the trees and vines and shattered streams of sunlight on the ground below our feet. I could hear parrots taking flight, and I wondered if they were off to the club to jam out to music or something; because that makes sense.

The jungle was so quiet and peaceful compared to the Hermit Lands, or really any part of Hermitcraft that was inhabited by us Hermits. 

As beautiful as it was, it wasn't as beautiful as the man walking beside me. Yes, even without his mustache. He was absentmindedly running his hand over trees and vines as we walked and it was the cutest thing I'd ever seen. I never thought of him as much of a nature person with all of his redstone stuff, but here he was taking in the beauty of the jungle. 

I must have gotten too distracted staring at and thinking about Mumbo, because I tripped over a root and fell on the ground, just barely managing to keep my face from being smashed into the dirt. Ah! I was embarrassing myself in front of him again! Why was I always falling when Mumbo was with me? Probably because he was with me. Figures.

I quickly got back to my feet, feeling my face heat up. Mumbo was laughing, which made this much, much worse. 

"Oh god, Grian. Are you okay? That looked painful," He said through a wide smile.

I nodded and brushed dirt off my pants, my hands trembling from the sudden shock. "Yeah, just fine!" I inwardly cringed at how shaky my voice sounded. 

Mumbo didn't look convinced. "Let's take a break. Give the other team some time to find us." He scouted around for a spot for us to sit down. 

We sat side by side on a large fallen tree, our legs dangling over the edge. Mumbo was leaning back, his hands on the trunk behind him as he stared up through the leaves at the blue sky. 

I tried to ignore the gorgeousness happening on my left, and stared straight ahead at a parrot barely visible in the distance. It looked at me and cocked it's head as if to say, 'What's that weird red thing next to that beautiful man?'.

That would be me.

Suddenly I heard Mumbo gasp, making me look at him. "What?"

He was staring at my hands, which were resting in my lap. "You didn't tell me you were hurt!"

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