Pretty Dang Scary

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Jevin's POV


Team Den had another meeting after I had taken Grian hostage to decide what to do next. I knew their base wasn't in the jungle; Ex had told me where their base really was.

It's not like I could tell them though, even if I wanted to, because they would suspect I wasn't really on their team; which I wasn't! Haha, sucks for them. They had no idea what was coming for them. 

And I had just started the war, by taking Grian. 

In my defense, it was getting to be too long and no one was making the first move. Ex and I were getting extremely impatient and decided to start it by our own hands. 

There's no better way to do that than kidnap someone, right?

Doc was sitting at the end of the table, his feet up, and his fingers interlocked behind his head. "Well since the war is started now, the first obvious thing to do is interrogate our hostage. Ask him where their base is."

Everyone nodded in agreement. The question on everyone's minds was undoubtedly: Who gets to do the interrogating?

Ren reached over the table and placed his hand on top of Doc's, smiling softly at him. Why were they so cute? I envied them a little bit, not gonna lie. 

"Doc, baby, I think you should interrogate him. No offense, but you can be pretty dang scary," Ren pointed out.

Doc smiled a bit and nodded. "Yeah, you're not wrong there. I'll do it then." 

Ren beamed. "Perfect! We're gonna win this war, I can smell it in the air!"

I wasn't as hopeful as he was that Team Den would win, but I knew many things that they didn't. Like there was a whole other side to this war. 

"What do the rest of us do?" False asked from her place next to me. 

"Well, I'm thinkin', if Grian doesn't volunteer the information, we could continue trying to find their base in the mean time. If Doc finds out anything, he can message us," Joe suggested. 

"Great plan! Come on guys, let's get into action!" Bdubs exclaimed, already standing up. 

It was clear the hermits had no idea that this was a real war, with real death involved.

Oh well, they would find out soon enough.

We all got into action just as Bdubs had said, but we decided someone should stay with Doc as he was interrogating Grain. Just in case.

"How about... not Ren!" Keralis suggested, earning a few chuckles. 

Ren frowned and crossed his arms. "Even though that's a fair point, I'm not going to not come! I'm staying with Doc, no matter what."

Doc put an arm around Ren and pulled him close to his own taller frame protectively. "He stays."

Half the team sighed while the other half just smiled, having expected this the whole time. 

Keralis shrugged helplessly. "Then someone else needs to go as well to make sure they don't get distracted. That would be really not good."

I volunteered, not wanting to have to search for a base which I already knew the whereabouts of. Watching Grian suffer would be much more fun.

No one argued, and I was dubbed the babysitter of Doc and Ren. Hopefully this job wasn't for life or anything.

While the other hermits continued their search, the three of us went up the stairs and down the hallway to the last door on the left to where our hostages were.

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