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Nidhi pov :

I never knew that the great shiv was try to get my forgiveness but i am not gonna forgive him easily he made me cry.

From yesterday he was trying to talk with me but i didn't give him that chance. I saw a packet of chocolates on my table i smiled there was a sorry card placed.

Why are you doing this shiv

I got call from shiv i went to his room he was sat there looking a file "nidhi we need to check award event it is very important for us the client told about what he wants in flowers" he said i nodded.


At event we got late and here i am stuck with shiv who is trying make a conversation but I didn't give him that chance.

We are near at my house i start looking for keys in my bag but I didn't find it.

"Where did i kept it" i mumbled looking for keys "what happen" he asked stopping car at front of my house "I didn't find my keys" i said looking at him "what should i do" i asked myself.

"Do you have any relatives or friends" he asked i shook my head negatively "i have only friend that is prashanth now he is out of country" i said he thinks sometime "if you don't mind you can come to my house" he said scratching his neck.

"But..!" I said thinking to stay at shiv house "my parents will understand" he said i nodded because I don't have any other choice "i will do something tomorrow morning since it was late" he said starting car.


Shiv stopped car at his house it is looking beautiful from outside there is a flower garden when we passes main gate.

I got down from car it is not small but huge to my house when i was live with my parents.

"Nidhi" i look at shiv when he called me "come inside" he said i nodded and followed him.

A women opened door "there you are i was trying to contact you" she said hugging shiv he smiled hugging her back.

"Ma, she is nidhi" shiv said his mom smiled at me "nidhi she is my mom" he said wrapped his arm around his mother.

"Namaste aunty" i said touching her feet for blessings my mom taught me this.

She placed her hand on my head and pulled me up hugging me like a mother.

"You are so beautiful nidhi" she said caressing my cheeks i smiled "come inside" she said grabbed my arm and take me to living room.

"What would you like to drink" she asked me excitedly "nothing aunty" i said "have some juice till dinner is ready" she said "after all my son brought a girl to home first time" she said.

I look at shiv who is scathing his neck "mom" he groaned "mom she needs help" shiv said sat on sofa opposite to us.

"What happen" aunty asked me "actually mom she didn't find her house keys so she is staying here tonight" he said "sorry aunty i am causing you problem" i said she shook her head "no nidhi it's not" she said.

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