"You are my first priority"

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Nidhi pov :

I looked myself in mirror one last time checking i was okay or not.

Because i felt so nervous this is not like i am going to shiv house for first time but still i felt nervous

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Because i felt so nervous this is not like i am going to shiv house for first time but still i felt nervous.

I locked all the doors and settled in car checking my phone moni is coming tomorrow morning i need to pick her.

I started my car to shiv house, night time mumbai roads are looking so beautiful.

When shiv told me about agreement I don't know what to say because i loved him so much i need to know everything about him and his family but I don't know anything about his family.

I stopped car at shiv house i take out gift box from back seat and checked, it is a watch i know how much shiv loved watches in fact he has his own watch collections aunty told me about this.

I stopped car at shiv house i take out gift box from back seat and checked, it is a watch i know how much shiv loved watches in fact he has his own watch collections aunty told me about this

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I got down from car and start walking inside each step i am taking my heart was beating very fast.

When i entered inside i saw aunty is coming out from kitchen when she saw me she came towards me hugging me "you look beautiful nidhi" she said pulling back i smiled.

"I was waiting for you" she said "not only you ma someone is also pacing around in his room" i hear prashanth voice i saw him coming downstairs a smirk plastered on his face i raised my eyebrow.

"Who is that" aunty asked him "oh he is my partner in crime" prashanth said taking a sweet from table and stuffed in his mouth aunty pulled his ear.

"How many times i told you to not touch anything before washing your hands" aunty said i laughed prashanth glared at me.

"Ma leave me let her come inside first" prashanth said aunty leaved him and turn to me "come i will introduce to our relatives" she said I confused, i look at prashanth he shrugged.

"Why me aunty" i asked her "because i need to show my shiv taste to everyone" she said I don't understand what she is talking "what" i asked her "ah..nothing come" she said.

"Ma first let her meet birthday boy" prashanth said "yeah I totally forget—nidhi shiv is in his room" she said i nodded and went to shiv room.

When i was near to his room i raised my hand to knock the door but i felt so nervous my heart beats fast my whole body was sweating i felt sudden butterflies.

I take courage to knock but i stopped and turn to leave but i hear door opening sound i frozen in my spot i can tell it is shiv because whenever he was near to me i felt all these feelings.

"Nidhi" he called me i felt something inside me when my name rolled on his lips i closed my eyes taking deep breaths.

"Won't you come inside" he said his voice was so husky i slowly turn to face him lowering my eyes.

"Come inside" he said i nodded and went inside "nidhi why are you so nervous" shiv asked me I don't have any answer so kept silent.

"Nidhi look at me" he said I didn't raise my head "i am not asking you" this time his voice was cold I slowly raised my head to look at him.

My heart just dropped when he was standing there like a greek god in his formals.

"You can stare me all the day" i hear him saying then i realise that i am staring at him i blushed thank god that i leave my hair openly this will cover my blush

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"You can stare me all the day" i hear him saying then i realise that i am staring at him i blushed thank god that i leave my hair openly this will cover my blush.

I take a deep breath "Happy birthday shiv" i said giving him gift he smiled "thank you nidhi, but I can't take the gift" he said pushing my hand away "why" i asked him.

"Because I don't want it" he said i felt disappointed I brought this watch with my first salary.

I think he noticed my sad face the next second he held my hand "nidhi i would i love to take this gift but i know you brought this with your first salary i know you have lot of plans with your first salary then why did you buy this gift" he asked me caressing my cheeks i shocked.

How he know about me!

"How you know about me shiv" i asked him he smiled "tell me how i will know all about you" he asked me I lowered my eyes he held my chin softly made me look into his eyes.

"Tell me nidhi why did you brought gift for me from your first salary" he asked me i have answer but I can't tell him.

Because i love you shiv i want you to happy i don't know that some day a stranger was become a part of me

"Hmm...tell me" he again asked me pulling me more towards him.

I can't tell him what my heart is saying I don't have that dare to tell him that I loved him.

But i need to tell him before my fate decided something else

"Because you are my first priority" i said "why" he asked me his closeness was making my heart beats fast.

"Why nidhi why i am your first priority" he asked me.

Should i tell him now that i loved him!!

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