Reopening case

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Nidhi pov :

After we changed into some dry cloths i tried to talk with Shiv but he was not listen to me i know i messed up everything but i realised my mistake.

"Shiv" i called him he looked at me without any expression "Nidhi listen to me carefully" he said held my shoulders.

"Whatever we need to talk can wait but first we need to collect proofs against durga" he said looking at moni, shan and me.

"We should reopen this case" i said we are sat on living room.

"How can we do this we don't have proofs right?" Shan asked me i ran into my room and opened cupboard and take out file and came to living room where everyone is waiting for me.

"These are the photos kiran gives to me durga tried to distract me but she dig her own grave giving me these photos" i said spreading photos on coffee table.

"See these are my parents accident spot photos" i said showing them "wait how did kiran got this?" Moni asked me.

"He was introduced himself as a reporter" i said "did he told you about anything related to any news channel" Shiv asked me i nodded my head.

"He did, he told me once" i said "then we got the answer" shan said "but we need to go to that channel office" moni said.

"First we need to shift mom and dad from that house" Shiv said i looked at him. "Nidhi and i will go to that channel shan you and moni take mom and dad far away from this place" Shiv said.

"But where should we take them" moni asked "i have some place no one will ever guess that place" i said Shi  looked at me confusingly.

"Sudha aunty and Shekar uncle" i said "who are they" shan asked "when we go to temple for puja and we both stucked some house did you remember you came to pick us" Shiv said.

"Yeah I remember" shan said "but what if they will fall into trouble because of us" moni asked "don't worry no one knows them" Shiv said "and i will take care of everything" shan said.


Time was 8 o'clock in morning i and Shiv was in car going to that studio where kiran once told me he was working there.

"Sorry" i said looking at Shiv who is busy in driving "no need for that" he said his voice was emotionless "Shiv" i called his name.

"No Nidhi you don't need to say sorry" he said. "I know whatever you said is right" he said.

I didn't said anything after that, i don't know what to say or how to solve this.

Shiv stopped car at a studio we both got down and went inside. Shiv knows someone who is working here so it won't be a big problem for us knowing about kiran and that proofs.

"Shiv i get information that you've asked me" a man said coming towards us "rakesh first meet my wife Nidhi" Shiv said rakesh smiled at me.

"Nidhi he is rakesh my friend" Shiv introduced him. "Okay now listen to me, you told me that someone came towards your wife as a reporter from our channel right" rakesh asked.

"I asked my boss about his details he told me that no one has joined on that name or that details so we are assuming that someone stole our studio information" he said while taking us to his boss office.


"Mr. Shiv, one of the employee is working on this case he is a crime reporter we are thinking that someone stole information from him i also asked him about this" rakesh boss told us about this.

"Sir can we meet him" i asked him "of course you can" he said and make some call, after ten minutes door opened revealing a man.

"Hello my name is Raghav" he introduced himself after some formality talk we came to the main point.

"Actually that day on your parents accident i was driving in that route i saw that your father car breakdown i want to help him but at the same time i had my wife with me she was pregnant i saw that someone helping i think it was your father" he asked Shiv he nodded his head.

"Yeah after i dropped my wife and came back to that spot but saw a truck was crashing two cars i was the one who informed police about this" he said.

Bringing my parents topic tears start flowing in my eyes Shiv held my hand tightly in his "I observed some unusual things where the accident took place" he said.

"So i start investigating this case and i found some clues but one year back i lost them i don't know that someone stole it from me" he said.

"And that kiran came to me as a reporter and made me distract from things" i said my blood was boiling with anger. I got call from shan he told me that they put mom and dad safely.

He show some more clues which kiran failed to stole. Shiv talk with his police friend and reopened case. Now we both are going to police station for file case against durga that i am suspecting her in my parents death.

After we filed case against durga, Shiv and i start our journey to Shekar uncle house. In whole journey Shiv didn't even spare a glace at me.

"Shiv" i called him "what Nidhi" he asked me not looking at me driving car.

"What should i do to make it up" i asked him "what?" he asked me "for everything i said was trying to protect you, protect to mom and dad" i said tears are formed in my eyes.

"I know Nidhi but what you said was right Nidhi, because of my own mother you lost everything" he said.

"I don't think it was a good idea to get back" he said and stopped at car at shekar uncle house.

Shiv got down from car and i also got down. I saw mom and dad came outside i waste no time for ran into mom's arm where i feel my mom.

She hugged me i cried my heart out she held me lovingly told me smoothing words. We went inside i greeted sudha aunty and shekar uncle.

"Thank you so much for letting my parents stay here" Shiv said after we are all settled on living room.

"Don't thank us Shiv we understood your situation and we are more happy to help you guys" uncle said i smiled.

"So what happen in police station" dad asked shiv "polices are on their way to arrest durga as we submitted some of clues" Shiv said.

Shiv excused himself when he got phone call from news studio, "Nidhi, one second" Shiv called me i followed him to the room where we stayed in other day.

"Rakesh told us a good news" he said happily "what is it" i asked him "we got major clue" he said....


Hello guys!!!!

I was so sad that this story is going to be end soon!!!

I will be miss this story

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