What is the truth?

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Nidhi pov :

"Durga" Shiv shouted i jerked from my place when i hear his voice which is so angry.

"Why he is shouting like this" shan asked we three went downstairs saw Shiv who is shaking with anger.

His jaw clenched his nerves on forehead and neck popped out due to anger.

"Where the hell is she" he shouted mom and dad was confused about Shiv behaviour.

When his eyes meet mine he came towards me held my shoulders calming himself "Nidhi i want to tell you something" he said I didn't understand what happen to him suddenly.

I only nodded my head before he opened his mouth durga and prasad came. "Nidhi i want you to speak truth now" he asked glaring at durga and prasad.

"What truth you are talking about" i asked him confusingly "what are they doing here all of sudden" he asked pointing his finger to durga and prasad.

Is he know????

"Shiv— it was" I couldn't complete my words because of fear that what would he think.

"Do you think I don't know about anything" he asked me out of nowhere i watched him with confusion.

"Do you think that i didn't hear anything that day this lady is manipulating you" he asked pointing his finger to durga.

"That day when she is trying to convince you i heard that" he said my eyes widened.

"But i remain calm i want you to open up things to me" he said "but you never do that" he said disappointedly.

Tears formed in my eyes "no no Shiv—" he didn't let me complete my words "i know Nidhi how she blackmailed you with parents sentiment" he said cupping my cheeks.

"But i want to know truth about why they are staying with me" he asked me with watery eyes.

I told him everything that i heard in Ooty everyone listen. "Shiv but we changed" durga said coming towards him. But his eyes where on me.

"I only accepted them as my parents because you told me" he said "Shiv—" durga was about to say something "if you speak another word i don't know what will i do" Shiv shouted making durga shocked.

"Do you think I don't know what you are doing behind my back" he asked durga.

"You planned mia suicide" he said my eyes widened "so i can be close with her leaving my wife" he asked durga.

"That will never happen" he said tears are rolling on durga cheeks "you appointed kiran to distract Nidhi about knowing your plans" he said.

Appointed kiran!!!

"What?" I asked my voice came as whispered.

"Nidhi i want to tell you something" Shiv said.

"What is it Shiv" i asked him i felt my heart is racing fast. "Don't get angry listen to me carefully" he said held my hands.

I nodded "actually that kiran who is came towards you as reporter is fake" he said.

"Here his details" he said giving me some papers where his details. I shocked to know that I actually trusted a fraud.

"But why did he do this" i asked Shiv "durga appointed him to do this" he said i felt tears formed in my eyes "is this mean my parents are died because of accident right" i asked him.

I want him to say 'yes' that my parents are died because of accident.

"No it was murder" he said tears rolled on my cheeks "i did some check i got to know that someone is behind all of this" he said cupping my cheeks.

"Your father was helping an NGO but that NGO stole all the money and used illegal activities once your father found it that day they died" he said tears are continuously falling from my eyes.

"That night your parents got to know who is all behind this so they are on way to complaint about this on the persons from NGO, but that persons hit your father car with truck" he said.

"In this process my father lost his legs" he said anger visible in his voice his eyes were bloodshot red.

My breathes are getting hard, my head is paining. "No—-no this is can't be done" i mumbled holding my head.

"Nidhi" Shov held my shoulders "no no Shiv why did they killed them" i shouted crying.

My vision was blurred with tears. "My parents want everyone is keep safe but what they got in return" i shouted shoving his hands away from me.

"Nidhi you need to calm down" Shiv hugged me "Nidhi" i hear mom voice "do you know how much it was hard to live a girl without her parents" i shouted.

"Who is that persons" i asked Shiv pulling back from his arms "Nidhi first calm down" Shiv said "no tell me who is?" I shouted.

"It was durga and prasad but—" I didn't let him finish when i hear their names.

I marched towards prasad held his collar "because of you i lost my parents" i shouted and about to slap someone stopping me by held my hand it was none other than Shiv.

"He isn't done this" Shiv said i looked at him shockingly "why are you saying like this" i asked him "Nidhi prasad isn't done anything" Shiv said.

"Oh now you are supporting your parents" i asked him jerk my hand away from his grip.

"Nidhi whatever it was done by durga prasad has no involvement in this matter" Shiv said more tears rolled on my cheeks.

"No you are trying to save them" i shouted suddenly i felt everything is spinning i lost my balance before I collapsed on floor Shiv catches me soon i lose consciousness.

I know Shiv is trying to save them!!!!

Hey guys!!!

Finally the truth is coming out!!

Do you think shiv was trying to save prasad?

Is prasad was not involved in nidhi's parents murder?

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