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Nidhi pov :

He left because of my stupidity, he left because of my fears

I want to save him but I couldn't tell him about it because I can't hurt him but now he give me the answer, i need to tell him about it.

I wiped my tears and made my way outside saw kiran was sat on sofa i went to near him "hey" i said he smiled "i think i came in wrong time" he said awkwardly "no its okay" i said try to calm myself for not burst into tears.

"Why did you ask me to lie to Shiv" i asked him "you are the one who told me that in this case you can't hurt anyone of your family especially your Shiv then how can we let him enter if he knows about this he maybe in danger" he said that thought of Shiv is in danger was scaring me.

"That's why i told you to tell him that you can't tell him about your secrets and your marriage" he said i nodded looking at my hands that are in my lap.

"I will leave now i need to collect more proofs so we can go to police" he said and got up i also got up "thank you so much kiran for helping me in this, if you didn't contact me i would never know about my parents" i said he smiled "it was my job as a journalist so don't thank me" he said and left.


I was trying to call Shiv but he isn't lift my calls i saw shan was coming inside "what happen? Why are you call me like you are dying" he said sat beside me on bed i rolled my eyes "Shiv isn't lift my calls" i said looking at my phone.

"So you two didn't got over your whatever fight" he asked me i shook my head "he came to say apology to you but why he behaving like this" shan mumbled take out his phone to call Shiv.

After four rings he lift the call shan put it on speaker "tell me shanth what is it" he said in cold voice shan looked at me i take phone in my hand.

"Shiv" i hear his deep breaths "shanth i am busy right now with my works" Shiv said with stressing 'my works' and cut the call.

Tears formed in my eyes "hey hey why are you crying" shan said wiping my tears "it was my fault" i cried he hugged me "ssshhh——-you know our Shiv right he was idiot some times but don't worry he will come back for you" shan said i cried.

"It's okay Nidhi don't cry" shan said "Shiv told me that you are trying to tell him something but stopping yourself" he asked me i pulled back i nodded "then tell him before things go out of your hands" he said and wiped my tears i nodded.


I was driving to Shiv house to tell him the truth i was holding. I need to tell him i was so stupid to think like this.

In ooty

The day after i collect Shiv all childhood pictures i was going to my room when i crossed durga aunty room i hear mia and her voice.

I stopped not because to evesdrope on their conversation but i hear Shiv name anything about him it was important to me.

"Mia i know you must be thinking what is this house and etc" durga aunty said.

"See mia we never wanted to give birth to anyone till we settled on our lives your uncle is a small job holder we both loved each other and got married and we came outside to live our lives but i was pregnant with shiv after a year I don't want to keep that baby so i thought to abort but my father stopped me for doing this after shiv born we leave him here with my father and start a new business but it fails at the same time my father died so we need to take shiv with us, we struggled a lot my father wrote his property and this house to shiv when he came to age 12 so we can stay with him in this house" i gasped after hearing durga aunty.

"We waited after that we try to give away shiv that time lakshmi came and took shiv" durga aunty said my eyes widened.

"But why you want shiv now" mia asked aunty "because now he has a own company we want to be with him so we can take his money and we can be in peaceful with our son we just choose benefit side" she said like it was just a simple.

How can they do like this!!!

I felt so disgusting to stay here so i start walking to my room.

Should i tell shiv about this???

He was already hurt because of these people if i tell him he will be broken, till now he was thinking his parents are give him away for not able to taking care of him but after i tell him he felt hurt!!!!!

I can't let him hurt but durga aunty was doing wrong!

But i can't stop a mother going to her child!!!

I saw shiv was coming towards me I decided to not tell him if anything goes wrong i will tell him...


I stopped car at Shiv house i need to tell him I can't hide this i know hiding this wasn't harm him but what if it harm him.

I got down and went inside i saw house was empty i start climbing steps and walk to Shiv house but stopped at outside of his room.

I placed my hand on doornob but a hand held my hand and dragged me away, it was non other than durga.

She take me to her room "don't do this Nidhi" she pleaded I don't understand she has tears in her eyes "i know that day you hear my conversation with mia but trust me now i changed even your uncle also" she said held my hands tears are rolling on her cheeks.

"We don't want his money we want only his love you know about parents love you missed it do you let your Shiv like you, do you want want Shiv to miss it?" She asked me

I never wanted him to live like me!!!

I searched any sign of lie in her face but it was like truth she was telling me.

"I know trusting us doesn't easy to you" prasad said coming into room "but trust us once" he said "i need time" i said and turn to leave but stopped when prasad voice.

"Nidhi please don't meet Shiv please it wasn't good for him to meet him before marriage" he said i nodded and left outside before anyone could see me especially Shiv.

I sat on my car thinking about durga words

Is she really meant her words?

If she is really changed then why i can't i trust her?

I can't let shiv suffer? What if durga and prasad was right?

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