Alone time

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Nidhi pov :

After I freshen up i went outside it was evening six, this house was so big it was looking like some old model house.

I saw same maid who showed me my room, she was walking while carrying a tray she stopped near me "ma'am coffee" she said i take a cup from her.

"This house is looking so old" i asked her "yes ma'am it was durga ma'am's father house" she said i nodded "from when they are staying here" i asked her sipping coffee.

"As far i know they are living here before shiv sir born, after durga ma'am father died this house went to shiv sir name" she said i nodded she left.

Before shiv born they had this house then why did shiv told me they used to live in a rented house???

I saw durga aunty is coming "you are here" she asked me "your friends are at backside of house go there" she said it was like an order but why should i take her order.

"It's okay aunty i am fine here" i said put my coffee cup on near table "nidhi" i hear shiv shouting my name i saw him running towards me.

"Shiv what happened" i asked him he came near me and hugged me "where are you till now" he asked me his voice has feared.

"I was in room" i said pushed him back because since we are not alone here "you should tell me once" he said i nodded.

"Shiv do you want anything to eat" durga aunty asked him shiv didn't turn to saw her "no I don't" he said coldly grabbed my hand and dragged me with him.


We are at backside of house shan and shiv was talking something moni was looking at her phone but i have some major doubts about this house.

"Shiv do you know this is your grandfather house and your parents used to live here before you born" i asked him he looked at me confusingly.

"I know but as far as i know they are living in rent house till they give me away" he said I don't understand anything, my eyes fell on a news on newspaper.

Lot of scams are coming out one by one

Some NGOs are fooling people and cheating them with stole their money

"My dad used to donate money to a NGO" I mumbled reading that news "really" shan asked me i realise there are so many eyes are watching me everyone is now sat with us.

"Yes, after he died that NGO also closed" i said i saw prasad uncle and durga aunty got tensed I don't understand. "What his name? Where he is living" for the first time i came here prasad uncle talked with me.

"His name is Anil, we used to live in pune" i said i felt some tension in air "what his profession" durga aunty asked me "doctor" i said.

The couple exchange looks "where are you living now" she asked me "actually my parents died after that I shifted to Mumbai" i said after that they didn't speak anything.

"Shiv i want you to visit temple" durga aunty said to shiv he didn't speak anything in fact he is behaving like they don't present here.

"Shiv durga is saying something" aunty said sternly shiv looked at her "mom i came here because you guys asked me i am not doing anything these people ordering me" shiv yelled getting up from his seat.

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