The Wedding

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Nidhi pov :

A girl in her mother's wedding dress looking at her reflection with so much thoughts in her head and yeah that's me.

A girl in her mother's wedding dress looking at her reflection with so much thoughts in her head and yeah that's me

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I sighed there is only an hour and here i am hell nervous i saw moni is coming into room with teary eyes.

She immediately hugged me "i am going to miss you" she said i could tell how much she is controlling herself not burst into a loud sobs.

"Why girls are always need to go out" she whispered i smiled the sad reality i had no one for cry me leaving them i know i have moni, manju aunty and murty uncle but they aren't my blood related.

I want my mom made me get ready i want my dad to take me to mandap but those dreams were crashed before i could think about my married life.

Tears spilled out from my eyes I couldn't hold it back i know I can't say these words to moni because her parents are take care of me like their own daughter but it wasn't enough for a girl she needs her parents love which i lost.

"Okay stop now come we need to do your makeup again" moni said pulled back smiled wiping my tears i wiped hers.

She does my makeup again i looked at myself it was my mom's saree i feel like she was with me.

I hear door knock following murty uncle he smiled came towards me "my daughter is looking so beautiful" he said i smiled he take out a small box from his pocket and opened it lid there were a beautiful chain laid on.

He takes that chain in his hand try to give it to me but i stopped him "uncle I can't take it" i said he smiled "this is your dad's" he said i gasped and looked at that chain again closely, yup! it was my dad's chain.

I smiled touching it uncle gives chain to moni she put it around my neck. I felt tears formed in my eyes "hey shhh don't cry now" moni said i smiled.


"Ready" moni asked me i nodded my head feeling all nervous "don't be nervous he is your Shiv" she said i smiled uncle and shan came.

"What are you doing here you are supposed to be with Shiv" moni asked "I want to take Nidhi to mandap as a big brother" Shan said and linked my arm with his i laughed.

They take me to mandap where my Shiv is waiting for me he was wearing cream colour sherwani.

Mom handed me varamala i was so nervous suddenly i lifted in air by shan and murty uncle i gasped.

Everyone is clapping their hands soon Shiv also lifted in air by his other friends.

When we are in same height i try to put vara mala around his neck but Shiv friends take him back away from me Shiv winked at me.

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