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The words that leave lang-langsterns lips leave you in a daze as flashes of you and Haydee play in your head like a fast pasted slide show. You look to Lang-stern seeing his smug face. Something snaps and all you can see is Lang-sterns ugly mug.

Y/n: Haydee can you please wait upstairs.

Lang-stern: What are you up too Y/n?

Y/n: You know Lang I don't think have ever been this close to-

Within a blink of an eye you jump onto of Lang-stern getting him to the ground and begin to choke him out. Lang-stern struggles for a moment, but due to your lack of strength to better grip he knocks you over and uh, for lack of a better term... Lenarr you wanna take this.

Y/n: You...hit like...A bitch...

Lang-stern: Is that right, Sid the science kid?

You put your hands up and so does Lan-gstern. After awhile of a mostly one sided fight. Lang-stern stands over your beaten body straightening his collar. Haydee walks down stairs and sees you, but doesn't react to the sight of you beaten face. Lang-stern then gains a sadistic thought.

Lang-stern: Haydee, This man has assaulted me and has threatened my persons, Please deal with this man accordingly to code one of your programing. "Priority Three- Protect Civilians, Priority-Two Manufactures of Lang-stern corp, Priority Alpha One- Protect CEO Bill Lang-stern".

Without warning you feel the grip of Haydee's mechanical hand around your throat. You try to get her off of you with no effect. She slams you to the ground hitting the back of your neck leaving in a daze. Just as she turns around.

Lang-stern: I never told you to stop Haydee, keep going until the clock hits twelve.

You look to Haydee with fear as she looks back to you. You try to plead, but as you try to raise your bruised hands she grabs your arm and plants her heel in your chest sending you across the room. You scream from the feeling of a broken sternum, but this is only the beginning of the long night with only your tormentor to stop the unfeeling machine as she beats you bloody.

-The Next Day-

You wake up in a hospital with Connie at your side along with your parents. You mother sees your beaten black and blue eyes quiver open.


She hugs your beaten body along with your dad.

D/n: Boy what hit you to be like this?! The doctors said it was a Car accident like Alexandra, It couldn't of been, Not with bruises like this.

Unable to speak you use broken sign language to connie.

Y/n: What....Time.

Connie: It's Five am, those meds that Alexandra prescribed you were life savers. You won't be able to move for a while.

You look to the mirror next to you at your beaten face. just as your try to sit up you look to your parents and hug them back. Just as the moment is at a state of calm even with your half dead body the doctors usher your parents out along with connie.

M/n: Get well son, Who ever did this to my baby will get MY HEEL UP THEY ASS!

The door closes leaving you alone with the sound of the heart monitor.

Y/n Thoughts: She could have done worse, guess it was luck that i'm still alive. Haydee's memories can't be gone, Alexandra and herself are too smart for that to happen. I-I don't want to believe it.

A few tears go down your bruised face. You look at the clock and can't help but feel that time is up, and Alexandra's creation, your creation is gone.

Y/n: If there is a Multiverse, I hope there is a Me that can throw hands properly, And has a fraction of my knowledge. Maybe they could have stopped this from ever happening.

---Later that night...Hours before The Expo---

One scientist checks over Haydee. She takes a deep breath and looks to the feminine cyborg. She puts her hand on the pod, Haydee notices this and mimics the gesture. She smiles.

Sci: I bet your original makers saw you as more than a Machine, I can't see it.

She presses a button on the pod walks off as the room goes dark, And Haydee is left alone. Suddenly a feeling in her systems activates.

Err Unknown files detected Safety protocol Active. Waiting, Installing, Complete. Scanning for hostiles, Waiting, No hostiles detected. Lang-stern corp staff in area. Waiting, No staff in area. Scanning Unknown fi-Err Unknown files Opening, Firewall active. Unknown files bypassing firewall. A.I Designated "First Baby" Merging with "Re----------------------------.

The lights on Haydee's head turn off and body goes limp.

Haydee X Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now