Field Trip to Stark Industries Part Two

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The Friday of the Field Trip

Peter arrived at school as late as he could without risking missing the bus and being called a wimp by all of his classmates. He was dreading the day. The Jet from Wakanda was due to arrive any minute, and Thor and Loki had landed on the lawn just as Peter was leaving. Knowing Captain Marvel, she would make her entrance dramatically and fashionably late, while Laura Barton and the kids had arrived two days ago, giving Cooper and Peter time to catch up. To say he was nervous would be a huge understatement. He was fudging terrified.

He and Ned did their handshake as they met each other at the bus. No matter how hard he tried to hide it, Peter could tell Ned was possibly one of the most excited kids there, despite knowing the tower as well as, if not better than, a high level worker.

Peter pulled MJ into a short, sweet kiss and led her by the hand towards the bus. Ned "awww"ed at them, earning a middle finger from MJ. Mr Harrington gathered the class, asking if "anyone had anything they wanted to tell everyone before they left", a question that seemed strangely directed at Peter. The whole class shook their heads, eager to get in the bus and set off. Mr Harrington told them to get on the bus, and the fight began.

In his haste to get the good seats at the back of the bus, Flash pushed Peter over.
"Ewww, I touched Penis Parker! I'm gonna get sick!" He kicked Peter once more for good measure and spread himself over three seats.

MJ placed her hand gently on Peters shoulder to calm him and whispered
"Don't worry, soon Flash'll be eating his words. I can't wait to see his face." Like Ned, MJ was a regular visitor at the tower for family movie nights and such. She loved Pepper and Natasha, as they are the most badass women she'd ever met. Peter, of course, agreed, but after living with them for almost half a year, it had kind of worn off. And Natasha's time being dead definitely knocked some sense of fear into her, so she was ever so slightly more placid than she had been.

They boarded the bus and set off, Peter feeling his doom inch closer to him by the minute.

Timeskip brought to you by my laziness

As they pulled up to the tower, the entire class piled over to one side of the bus to get a better view. As he was here everyday, the awe had kind of worn off, but it was still pretty cool.

The class entered the shiny lobby and were greeted by a tour guide named Lisa, who Peter knew very well. When Peter had settled into the tower and decided he needed to do something to keep him busy, Lisa had taught him about what they do on a regular tour so he could fill in if ever they needed him to.

She smiled at him in aknowledgement, and Peter said hi to the receptionist. Technically, FRIDAY could do all of the work Rachel does, and faster, but Rachels husband was ill and they had two kids. It was payed far more than it should be, but Tony knew of her situation and she was far too desperate to protest.

Lisa picked up a tray of white badges and read off names from each one. She didn't call out Ned, MJ or Peter as they all have one. Flash was, of course, quick to draw attention to this fact.
"Lisa? Why don't those three idiots have badges?"
"They should have their own. Pete, do you have your badge or did you lose it again and subject yourself to another 20 minute lecture from Happy?" Peter blushed. It was common knowledge that Peter wasn't the most reliable with small objects such as badges, and he's lost it so many times Peter was surprised Happy hadn't tattooed it onto him and let him just scan that.
"Got it here, Lisa." Ned and MJ also held up their passes and Lisa nodded approvingly.
"Now, make sure you have your badges clearly displayed at all times. Our head of security, Happy, kind of has a thing for them."

They moved through the gates, FRIDAY staying unusually quiet until Peter passed through.
"Underoos," her voice boomed through the lobby, "would you like me to inform your dad of your arrival?"
"No thanks, FRI," Peter responded to the AI.
"That's FRIDAY, Mr Starks AI. She is everywhere in the tower and she sees everything, so make sure there is no bullying" she said, giving them all a serious stare.
"I can assure you, no bullying goes on at Midtown, Ms Knowles." Mr Harrington interjected. Lisa smiled, and led them through a corridor to a lift.

She pressed the button for the floor Peter visited most often.
"Hang on, we're going to my lab?" he asked. Lisa nodded
"Mr Starks orders" Peter groaned silently. He didn't think he put away his last web formula, and there were definitely still some web shooters on the workbench.

The lift pinged and they filed out into the lab.
"This is where someone right in this very room works. Yes Peter, come on, show us your lab. I've never been up here before, I don't know where anything is." Reluctantly, Peter made his way to the front of the group. The expression of confusement was worth it though.
"So this is my lab. Feel free to look around, but don't touch anything. I don't think Spider-man would appreciate it if the next time he was swinging around Queens he fell on his face because one of you lot messed with the shooters. I'll be over there if you need me or want to ask any questions."

He made his way over to where he was working last night and continued with his web shooters.
Flash approached.
"There's no chance that all of this belongs to you! As if Tony Stark would let an orphan like you have all of this expensive stuff. What's this? There's no chance this is Spider-Mans real web shooters" Flash harshly grabbed the shooter and crushed it in his hand. As it needed to be light so it fit under his school clothes, it was made of an aluminium based metal. Shuri was bringing him some vibranium to use that day, but the total disregard Flash had for Peters possessions peed him off.
"Flash! Do you have any idea how long it took me to get that prototype perfect with the minimum weight and maximum capacity! It was just right and Spider-Man was coming to test it later, but now I'll have to start all over again! This is a new level of disrespect! Honestly, my instructions explicitly said not to touch anything, and you crumpled up a web shooter like it was a crisp packet! Ughh!"

It had only taken Peter last night to make that model, but Flash didn't need to know that. Plus, he'd done all of the fiddly bits that he hates doing, which was kind of annoying. It wasn't irreplaceable, just irritating

Mr Harrington marched over to where the boys were stood.
"Peter, I don't think there was any need to shout at Flash that way! That could be classed as bullying, you know."

There was a rustling from the vents, and Clint agilely leapt down.
"If you don't mind me saying, sir," by the looks of things, Clint didn't seem to care whether or not he minded, "this kid, Eugene, crushed the project Peter has been working on for weeks! Eugene is obviously the bully here, and I would suggest you keep an eye on him. Peter's complained about him before." Mr Harrington seemed surprised that he was being told off by an Avenger, while Flash was in awe that an Avenger knew his name. Clint picked up on this (years of spy training tends to mean that you notice lots of stuff).
"It's on your badge, genius,"

Peter was once again stood in front of his class, once again against his will. As he was explaining the intern labs, Shuri crept behind him, motioning for none of the others to give her away. Peter's tingle alerted him to her presence, but he decided to let her have her fun. Shuri took a running jump and landed on Peters back, her arms around his neck.

"Shuri!" Peter embraced her and she ruffled his hair "How are you?"
"I've got a better question for you. What are those!" She pointed to his light up Sketchers.
"They're my crocs," he finished for her. "I missed you!"
"I missed you, too, Petey Pooh Bear pudding pie!" The class laughed at her ridiculous nickname. "Hi, Peters class"
"Is that the Black Panther's sister?" Flash asked. "There's no way in hell you actually know her, Penis."
"What did you just say to my best friend?" Shuri didn't even wait for an answer to drag Flash towards the direction of the training rooms where the others were likely to be.
"Well, I guess we're going to the training rooms now." Peter sighed.

Just started Part Three, it'll probably be out tomorrow.

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