Merry Christmas

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This hasn't really got an interesting plot or anything, it's just how I imagine Christmas at the Avengers Compound. It's quite fluffy and sweet.

In this, Peter, Ned, MJ, Cooper and Shuri are 20, almost 21. Not legal drinking age in the states, I don't think. Lila and Nate are younger than they are in the films. Lila is the same age as Morgan and Nate is a baby. Nat and Steve have a son and Pepper and Tony have another daughter.

The Avengers Compound was full to the brim with people, Christmas trees and people. Everyone had going to the compound for the holiday, even if half of them (Tony especially) didn't believe in Jesus. They were all just looking for an excuse to have a huge party, not that they needed one. 

Some of them had gathered three and a half weeks prior to decorate the large building, so there were garlands and holly hung all over the place. Mistletoe was strategically placed where couples were likely to be, and Peter and Tony had spent an insane amount of time making software that meant whenever two people walked under it, a dome would trap them there until they kissed. Peter had gotten the idea from a Harry Potter head cannon he saw on Tumblr.

So far, the only people to fall victim to the mistletoe were Tony and Pepper and Steve and Nat, who were all more than happy to kiss. It was only a matter of time, though.

On Christmas Eve eve, people started arriving at the compound, and they were planning on staying there until the New Year. It seemed like a long time, but with the amount of people there, you could go the entire ten days without hearing the same story twice.

The first people to arrive were May and Peter Parker, who brought MJ and then Ned as well so it didn't look like Peter was introducing his girlfriend to his family. It had taken amazing Christmas presents to get Ned and MJ's parents to allow them to spend the holiday away from home for the first time, but they eventually managed.

Next, Clint, Laura and the kids arrived from their little farm. They already looked exhausted after having sat in a car with a baby who wouldn't shut up for the entire car journey. Cooper had convinced his parents that the five hours would be good bonding time, but now they all had blinding headaches, except Cooper, who had managed to sleep through Nate's screaming. Nat had immediately quieted the baby, and landed herself with babysitting duty for the next week and a half.

The Wakandans arrived on a jet shortly after, and Shuri joined MJ in the room that they would be sharing to talk about how annoying boys are, especially superhero brother/boyfriends. They also brought some traditional Wakandan dessert that wasn't big enough to feed a family of four, let alone the small army that was due to arrive. 

The Guardians plus Thor and Loki flew in next, Peter Q and Thor already being passive aggressive to each other. Quill was only just on the border of 'passive'. Grout was going to share a room with Peter and Ned, right next to Shuri and MJ, and he was looking forward to playing the copious amounts of video games Peter had.

Carol made her entrance by landing so hard she put a crater in Tony's well manicured grass and ignoring Tony's attempts to chastise her, making a beeline for Fury, whom she hugged like an old friend, puzzling Tony.

Everyone just helped themselves to the buffet of snacky foods laid out for tea that night and socialised in one of the large living rooms. It was difficult to prepare a large meal for so many people, and even harder to get everyone to sit around a table for very long. The large room was filled with laughter and good spirit, especially when the eggnog was brought in. Let's just say that Tony had strayed slightly from the recipe when it came to the amount of alcohol. The underage people and trees were sent upstairs to entertain themselves while the adults got absolutely hammered.

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