Day 5 - Your Dreams

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  • Dedicated to My dreams, good and bad

Day 5 - Your Dreams

Dear Dreams,

You come in different shapes and forms. You are what I have at night when I am sleeping, and you are what I hope for the future.

To the dreams I have while sleeping, you have done some wonderful things for me. You’ve made me understand things better, solved some of my problems and even given me some wacky but awesome story ideas! Another thing that I really love is that you help me relive some of my best days. I find that lots of nights in my dreams I end up on stage, singing. I know that sounds so cheesy, but it’s true and I love it!

Most of the time when I’m sleeping, you terrify me to death. I don’t understand why I have such terrible dreams. For a month straight I woke myself up screaming. For a whole month. It was so horrible. I’ve had dreams that still terrify me when I think about it now.

You make me relive some hard times in my life. I don’t enjoy it at all; it just makes me feel everything all over again. Why do you that to me?

As for what I dream for the future… you have changed so many times! When I was tiny, my dream was to be a fairy… or a princess… or a fairy princess. Then it was to be a singer. I think that will always be a dream of mine, but not one that I think I will ever achieve. It changes constantly now, I have no idea what I want to be, but dreams keep me going.

I have dreams for the people I love as well. They all share a few things in common: that they will always be safe and that no matter what, they will be happy.

Dreams, I know that you change constantly, but you are always there. I’m grateful sometimes, resentful at others, but I want to thank you for giving me hope and motivation.

Love Emily xx

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