Day 18 - Person You Wish You Could Be

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Day 18 — The person that you wish you could be

Dear Person,

I don’t want to be anyone apart from myself, but if I had to choose someone who I aspire to act like and model my personality on, it would be you.

You are my aunty and one of my best friends. You are fourteen years younger than my mum, so you’re only eighteen years older than me, making us even closer. I tell you everything; you know every single one of my secrets and I trust you with my life. You would never judge me and I thank you for that.

You are the most beautiful person I know, inside and out. You are a model so you are stunningly gorgeous, although you don’t see it, and somehow you manage to be the nicest person ever. Lots of people think that models are vain and stupid, but that is so not the case with you. You couldn’t care less about how you look, and prefer comfort to looking nice, and you are so smart. You aced everything at school and help me with my schoolwork all the time!

You’ve turned out to be the perfect mother just as we all knew you would be. You have two gorgeous kids, who I love to death! I hope one day they will look at me like I look at you, like a big sister and someone to come to when they need to talk.

When I was little, I used to look at you and think you were completely flawless. Of course, that’s not exactly true because nobody’s perfect, but it’s close! I seem to have taken after you in lots of ways, and Mum always jokes that I should have been your daughter. But as I’ve taken after you in lots of ways, I realise you’re not completely perfect as some of your qualities have been passed onto me. We’re both scared of lots of things, extremely clumsy and hate anything to do with sport. But despite these bad things, I’m glad that I take after you.

Four years ago you got married. I was terrified that I would lose you, but that didn’t happen at all. It just showed me how dedicated you are to your family and that you would never let anything come between us. So then a few months later when you found out you were pregnant, I wasn’t scared at all.

Everywhere we go, people stare. You’re so beautiful, and sometimes people recognise you from big modeling jobs you’ve done. You find it embarrassing because you don’t like socializing with new people, but I find it hilarious! If only those people knew the real you, they would know how uncomfortable you get with attention like that.

I could go on forever and ever about you, but I have to stop this letter sometime!

I love you so much and I’m incredibly proud to have you as my aunty!

Love Monkey Moo (no idea why you call me that!) xxxxxxx

30 Day Letter Challenge 2012 - EmilyWhere stories live. Discover now