chapter nine

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School has been no fun since nothing interest me anymore not even girls. Beside my bestfriend is acting like asshole so poor me I sat at my usual seat looking so dumbly at Mr forensic the physics teacher well he dose not care who attend his class or not so he did not bother with me having my ear plugs on while the class is going on.  Mr forensic is a human and don't know about our kind unlike the principal who happen to be the gamma of my pack a very strict man with no nonsense attitude  . He like reporting me to my dad anytime I found myself in his office I think like thousand times since I came to this school. It seems the student like me that much since I cause majority of the bully happening in the school.
Well since I stopped the bullying calm has returned to the whole school that students are not afraid to pass me by in the corridor unlike before. I try  to pay attention to the class but I could not because my mind keep on wandering off to that mate thing. Dose it mean I don't have a mate I can't believe that because with my handsomeness the moon goddess won't fail to gift me with a beautiful and wonderful mate. I can't wait to meet her because am going to treat her like egg that only I can eat.
The class ended earlier than I expected .i did not want to go out yet huh I can remember when I use to be first to rush out of class because I always feel suffocated but now I don't know why am felling comfortable. To be a good boy is actually a sweet thing I chuckled. I lazily stood up I literally have five minutes for my next class  .

I saw Rom going towards his locker he still have that poker face on and that means no fun again I rushed before he leave and I can see he don't like that I interrupted him.

I have class now I will see you during lunch break he said to me without looking at me. I could not reply back meh the silence treatment is getting worse I just nodded and watched him walk away from me without looking or glancing at me. No side hugs or our usual handshake. We are now like two strangers I can't believe we were best friends before though I understood what he is going through and is my fault that I did not protect his sister just like an Alpha will do and it sucks am going to be the future Alpha of one of the largest pack around here and rule over many people . We are like 12,000 or something according to the record in my dad office yeah am now working on some real matters concerning the pack because very soon the pack will have me as their leader and me being an asshole make it worse and the taught of ruling without a mate make it ten times worse. I wonder how long it will take before other packs learn about my inability to find my mate.  In any wolf pack that lack their Luna is always seen as a vulnerable pack and I don't want to waste my father s' effort in making the pack what is it now and I will be stupid enough to allow the pack to suffer during my own time.
From there and then standing beside Rom locker decided is time to brace up and welcome the new me and that means I need to be serious with my life and go on mending my ways and broken relationships.

I updated two days because a new novel is latest finding his way from Sunday and I bet you can wait to see the trailer
Thanks and am open to corrections

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