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Chapter 38 || Dinner Party from Hell

Once we arrived at Thornhill, we followed the detailed directions from our invitations to the hunting lodge on the property. Jughead and I met with Veronica and Archie just outside the hunting lodge, sharing a look before I took the lead and pushed into the house.

"Ah, Katarina." Penelope Blossom greeted, a sinister smile playing on her crimson-painted lips. "Glad you could make it. I see you followed instructions and brought your friends along."

I simply nodded in her direction, not letting any emotion sweep across my face as I did so. I didn't trust her, and I felt that this night was not reserved for a friendly dinner.

"Follow me," Penelope instructed, playing up her role as a good hostess. "I've labeled your seats, I trust you can find them."

I spotted my name immediately, at the head of the table directly across from Penelope herself. Jughead and Archie sat on either side of Penelope, and Veronica sat beside Archie. I could only assume that Betty was to sit beside Jughead, which left two empty seats still at the table closest to me.

I lowered myself into the chair marked with my name, and watched with a blank expression as my friends and brother did the same. We sat in silence for several minutes until a door opened from upstairs. I shot a glance over my shoulder and met Betty's confused gaze. She shuffled closer to the banister in her pink dress, her eyes running over everyone at the table.

"Guys..." She spoke as she reached the bottom of the stairs, looking confused and slightly scared.

"Elizabeth." Penelope spoke, smiling up at her niece. "Pretty. Good evening. Come and join us, why don't you?"

"Penelope." Betty addressed, standing behind my chair. "Wha-what... What is this place?"

"This is the Blossom Hunting Lodge on the grounds of Thornhill." Penelope answered.

"How did I get here?" Betty questioned, still stationed behind my seat.

"I bought you from Mr. Evernever." Penelope answered casually. "Just as he was about to cut you into butcher's parts. Now, Agatha here will show you to your place."

"Sister Woodhouse." Betty breathed in fear as a gun cocked behind me.

"You naughty, naughty girl." Sister Woodhouse chastised Betty, forcing her toward her seat beside Jughead.

"Agatha was one of my mentors." Penelope informed. "She cared for me when I was an orphan at The Sisters of Quiet Mercy. Taught me everything I know about poisons."

"The murdered nuns." Betty realized as she sat beside Jughead. "You did that?"

"Oh, loose ends." Penelope scoffed as Sister Woodhouse nodded at Betty. "Such a bother, aren't they?"

"Loose ends?" Veronica questioned. "Is that what we are?"

"Oh gosh, no. Not you." Penelope shook her head. "You are featured players. The sons and daughters of the original Midnight Club."

"Jug, what's happening?" Betty asked.

"I've almost figured it out." Jughead said, never taking his eyes off of Penelope.

"Oh, have you?" Penelope questioned with a small smile. "Because if anybody could, it would be you, Mr. Jones. But first, two more guests."

Penelope picks up and rings a bell beside her, and she has a smirk on her face as she speaks again.

"I believe you know them already." From behind Penelope, the Black hood emerges, followed by the Gargoyle King. I control my anxiety, remembering that he was flesh and bone underneath that get-up. "What have I told you? No masks at the dinner table. Take them off."

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