If a look could kill, mine would have taken out Daniel by now. Is he serious? He's actually laughing at me? What a jerk! Doesn't he know how hard this is for me? It's one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. I feel bewildered as I look at him with horror, seeing his shoulders jump by the laughter.
The first guy I break up with cries and the next one laughs. This is so disturbing. I feel my stomach turn as the feelings comes over me, making me ill.
Daniel look over at me and his expression changes from humorous to horrid in an instance.
"Oh, no. No. I didn't mean it like that." He say with an hurried voice. "I'm sorry, that was awful. It's just that I'm relieved." He say and I frown at him. What does that mean? "I feel the same way. You're the best girl I've ever met, but I just don't think I feel that way about you." He say and the words hit me, leaving me shocked. He doesn't like me like that either? It's a relief but still I can't help myself from feeling rejected.
But why? It's not like I want to be with him. My mind is spinning.
"Oh." Is all I can get out with the shock hanging over me. I was not prepared for this.
"I'm sorry, that was really lousy of me." He say, looking guilty and putting his hand on my back, giving me an apologetic smile.
"No, it's fine. I'm just shocked. Why didn't you say anything?" I ask, wondering why he would continue dating me if he wasn't interested.
"I wasn't sure how. I like you so much and have had a great time with you, I just don't like hurting people and didn't want to loose you as a friend." He confess, scratching his head and that makes me smile. We're too alike him and me. I run my hands over my face.
"This is pretty pathetic, we're both too nice to stop dating someone just because we don't want to hurt them." I say, chuckling and he joins in. His hand is still resting in the small of my back.
"I know. I'm sorry about that. I just don't want to stop hanging with you." He say and I look over at him. Wow. Can this be true? Can we stay friends after we've dated? I sure hope so.
"I don't want that either." I say and smile, he then frowns at me. "I mean, I wan't to keep hanging." I add, making it clear that I still want to be his friend. Though I'm not sure how we can do that or if it's even possible. Daniel see my wondering eyes as I think about it. He put his arm over my shoulder and give me a assuring smile.
"We'll figure it out. As long as I can still call you Timon." He say with a cocky smile.
"Sure Pumbaa!" I reply, making him laugh. He really know how to ease the tension and make me relax. It's pretty weird how close we've gotten in the last couple of weeks. I let out a deep breath as the tension in my body goes away. It's been a long and horrible day and as the anxiety fades away, I start to feel a little lightheaded.
"I should eat something. I haven't eaten all day, I'm getting dizzy." I say, my hands resting on my forehead, trying to figure out what I have in the fridge. "So, you want anything to eat?" I ask, looking questioningly at him. Should we start this friends thing right away? He assesses my face before standing up.
"I'll make you something. You sit here on the sofa and relax." He say and walk into the kitchen. I frown, nobody has ever made me dinner in my place before. I stand up and walk after him, finding him looking through the fridge. I jump up and sit on the counter, my feet dangling off the edge.
"Do you find anything? I haven't shopped in a couple of days." I ask trying to remember what is in the fridge that's edible. I'm so bad at this food thing, I never want to shop for food and only do it when I absolutely can't make anything from what I've got at home. Or I just order food.
"I can see that." He chuckles. "Do you have any pasta?" He ask, closing the fridge.
"Yeah, it should be in the cabinet over there." I say and point to the cabinet on the opposite side of the fridge. He walk over and open the door to find a package of pasta. I watch him as he puts it on the counter as he rummage through the other cabinets for a kettle and fill it with water. He puts that on the stove before walking back to the fridge to start taking out ingredients. I watch him in awe. I didn't know that he could cook. I find myself smiling as I look at him, he seems concentrated but still like he's carefree.
I turn around and put the radio on and he smiles and moves to the music. Daniel continues with the cooking, chopping vegetables and making some sort of batter. He sings along quietly with the song and I listen to his beautiful voice. I wish I could force him to sing for me, like a lullaby or something. That would be perfect!
I realize that I like looking at him cooking. It's fun and reassuring, somehow.
"What are you making?" I ask after a while, feeling weird just sitting and watching. I've been staring at him for the last twenty minutes. He looks up at me with a smile, those wonderful dimples of his showing. I think he likes this.
"I'm making you pasta with pasta sauce." He say and rinse the water from the pasta and put all the other ingredients in the pan. The smell is really good as the sauce simmer. I jump down from the kitchen counter and go over to the cabinet to get two plates out, I set them down on the kitchen bar along with silverware and two glasses. I walk over to the fridge to look if I have anything to drink in there. All of a sudden I feel Daniel putting his hands on my hips, his head pops up beside me. He then stretch into the fridge to get the butter, walking back to the stove. I smile at how normal that felt. Me and Daniel cooking dinner together.
Well, him cooking - me eating. Maybe this could work after all.
I don't find anything other than water to drink, but that will have to do, I'll go shopping tomorrow. I put the bottle of water on the bar as I sit down on one of the chairs. Daniel is just putting the last touches on the pasta and soon he's coming over with the pan and put it in front of me.
"Dig in!" He say as he walks behind me and over to the chair beside me. I do as he says, because I'm starving and it smells so good. It's hot, but I can't wait and put a batch in my mouth, making me have to drink some water because it's burning the inside of my mouth.
Wow that was warm! Daniel looks at me with a smile.
"Hungry are we?" He say chuckling. I stretch my tongue out at him before taking another fork with pasta and blowing on it.
"So what did you do today?" I ask after my third bite, looking over at Daniel. He just put a big fork with pasta in his mouth, so I wait, snickering for him to chew.
"I didn't do much, went to Thomas's for a while." He say, taking a sip of his water.
"Sounds nice." I nod. "This is really good." I say, pointing at the food and he smiles at me. I should make him cook for me more often. I could stand eating this everyday.
"Good. Eat more."
We talked a lot after the food is gone and moved over to the couch, it felt pretty comfortable. He's so simple in some way, don't make anything too complicated. He's just Daniel. He told me about his ex girlfriend and their relationship and I told him about my family. I told him about my aunt, uncle and my cousins, but mostly about my mom.
"I didn't know you only lived with your dad." Daniel say and put his elbow in the back of the couch, leaning his head in his hand.
"Yeah, my mom died a long time ago. It's always been me and my dad." I say and realize how much I miss him. It's been so long since I've seen him now. He visited before the summer, but that's months ago. I should go back home and see him. We're pretty lousy at calling each other, he's not really a phone person, so when we do it's very short phone calls.
"I'm sorry." He say and give me a sad look.
"Don't be, it's so long ago." But I can see the pain in his eyes, probably because he's so close to his own mom, but me and my mom never had that.
The night goes smooth and it only got a little weird as he was leaving and we were saying goodbye. The last couple of times he has given me a kiss, but friends don't do that. So he went in for a kiss on the cheek and me for a hug. It became something in between. A little weird. We laughed at it though, so that was good.
"We'll make it work." Daniel say again as he walks out the door and the words comfort me. I really hope we can, because I really like him as a friend.

His teammate
RomanceI've never been that kind of girl, but when I look into those bright eyes of the stranger in the bar, I know he's different. I feel a pull towards him that I've never experienced before. I've never been with anyone that good before. He left without...