Chapter 14 - Not-good-enough-as-a-girlfriend-girl

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I turn around and my eyes fall on the clear blue orbs right in front of me. My breathing is shallow and fast. The room seem to fade away for a moment before I get interrupted by someone shouting my name. I tear my eyes away to see Daniel waving at me from the other side of the room. I take a deep breath and without looking at Link, I start to walk forward. I stop a couple of steps away to look over my shoulder, but Link is no longer there. I take another deep breath and relaxed my shoulders. I don't even know what happened. I was just about to either hit him or throw myself at him, I don't know which.

I walk over to Daniel who has a big smile on his face, but it fades a little as I come to stand beside him.

"Hey, you okay?" The concern thick in his voice. I try to smile at him, reassuring that everything is okay, even though it's really not. My heart has not slowed down yet and I feel a little light headed.

"Yeah, I'm fine. You having fun?" I ask and look over at his date who stands a couple of feet away from us, talking to a friend.

"I really am." He say and shows his dimples. I smile back before looking at the floor.

"I think I'm going to go." I say, pulling my hair behind my ear.

"Oh. Well, then. Let me just tell Harmony." That was her name, not Joy. Well...same same. I can see though that he's not really ready to leave yet. He looks really disappointed.

"No, you don't have to do that. You can stay." I say and he frowns.

"But I drove you, how will you get home?" I can see that he's pleased though confused.

"Lea will come get me. I've already texted her." I lie. She couldn't even come if I begged, she's visiting her grandma. I just don't want to ruin Daniel's night. I smile up at him. "I'll talk to you tomorrow." I say and reach up to kiss his cheek.

"Okay, text me when you get home so that I know you're safe." He say and squeeze my arm. He's sounding like my dad.

"Daniel!" I say, giving him an glare that says that I will not do that. He's going to be with her, I don't want to be the other girl in that mix. No thank you.

"Fine, fine! I'll call you tomorrow." He mumbles, holding his hands up in surrender, before walking back to Harmony. I snicker and start to push my way to the front door, getting my jacket out from the closet. I walk out on the front porch and stop in the cold air, wondering what the hell I'm going to do now. It's way too far to walk and the buss has stopped going. I guess I need to call a cab, but honestly don't know if I have enough money for that.

I sigh. Shit!

I stand there for a couple of minutes, trying to come up with a plan when I hear the door open and someone stepping out. My heart starts to beat faster in my chest as I sense the presence behind me. I feel the muscles in my stomach pull and I feel nauseated.

"Hey! Do you need a ride?" I hear a guy say quiet and I turn around, breathing with relief. I see Luke stand with his hands in his pockets.

"Yeah, that would actually be great." I say, smiling sheepishly.

"Come on, my car's over there." He say and start to walk down the few steps, me following behind. I can't believe the luck I have. Luke opens my door for me and I step in. I can't believe why he would want to go home this early, the few times I saw him inside he looked to be having fun. He really seems to be the center of the party, not that he's the drunkest or the loudest, just that he seems to talk to everyone. He starts the car and drive out from the parking spot.

"So, did you have fun?" Luke asks as we come out on the highway.

"Yeah, it was okay. I don't really know anyone so that was a little bit weird." I say, smiling kindly at him.

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