I dry my hair off with a towel as I get out from the bathroom. It's Thursday and I feel stiff and tired, it's been a long week. I've been hanging with Daniel every night this week, he won't let me be. Not that I'm complaining, he's lots of fun to be around. I just haven't had the time to think alone since I almost always fall asleep on the couch when he's here.
I pull my hoodie on and my hair up in a bun as I hear the front door open.
"Hey, where are you?" I hear Daniel call from the hallway.
"In the bedroom." I shout back, pulling a pair of wool socks on my feet. He comes in through the door and has his usual cheeky smile on.
"I couldn't decide, so I brought three movies." He say with a goofy grin and hold up three movies in his hand. I shake my head and chuckle at him.
"I guess we can watch at least two of them. I don't have to be at work until one tomorrow." I say as we walk out into the living room.
"Awesome!" He says as he drops down on the couch. I walk into the kitchen and fetches two glasses and sodas.
"The pizza should be here any minute." I tell him as I put the glasses on the living room table.
"Good, I'm starving." He pats his stomach with his big hand and leans back on the couch. "So how was work?" He ask as I sit down beside him, pulling a blanket over my legs.
"Oh! It was pretty exiting. We got some new recipes for a new type of cookies." I exclaim with a grin. I look over at him and see his raised eyebrows and him biting his lip to keep the laughter in. I press my lips together, trying to hide my amusement but starts to laugh. "Wow, my job is pathetic." I say as we laugh together.
"Naw! You're gonna save the world with your cookies." He teases me as the laugher subside. I gape at him and hit his arm.
"Yeah, like you're gonna football the world to safety?" I say and narrow my eyes at him, but I can't keep from smiling.
"Yep. I'm a siren on the field." He says wiggling his eyebrows at me, that goofy grin plastered on his face. I love when he's in this goofy, joking mood.
"A lot of girls are gonna be saved from that. Poor boys." I say and shake my head.
"Well, that's all I need. We can make a new humanity me and those girls." He say cheekily. I gape at him, he's so dirty.
"Ugh! Think of how many curly brown haired children there's gonna be. How will the world survive?" I ask with a fake disgusted expression on my face.
"Eh! You love my hair." He say and flip it a little to the side and I chuckle.
"Yeah, on you! Not on every person on this lost planet." I say as I pull my legs up on the couch.
"You're right. I'm not going to stand out anymore if I do that. I have to come up with something else to do if the world comes to an end." He looks deep in thought. I shake my head. "Maybe I can help you with those cookies. I can be your taster. I'm good at eating cookies" He say with a smile.
"Sure, I'll keep you in mind." I say as the door bell rings. I chuckle as I stand up to get the pizza. I love when we can not be serious for a while, it feels good, very relaxing.
"So, I talked to Link today." Daniel says as we're seated on the floor, almost all the pizza eaten. The first movie is on, but we've both seen it a hundred times, so we talk almost to the end of it, with the exception of a few scenes that we just have to see. "He say that you two have been talking for a while, but now you're not returning his calls?" He ask, sounding semi-interested, taking a bite of his last slice of pizza. I freeze. What? Link told him? Holy shit! I feel my face turn red as I look at my greasy fingers.

His teammate
RomanceI've never been that kind of girl, but when I look into those bright eyes of the stranger in the bar, I know he's different. I feel a pull towards him that I've never experienced before. I've never been with anyone that good before. He left without...