I open my door to a smiley face belonging to Lea. I shriek and jump up and down before hugging her. It's weird how much I miss her when I'm not with her for a couple of days. It's probably because I normally see her almost every day. She makes my life so much more fun, working with her is the best. The time flies away and it doesn't even feel like work.
"I've missed you." I say as I let go of her and let her come inside of the apartment.
"I missed you too. I'm so glad to be home again." She say as she takes off her jacket and shoes, walking with me into the living room.
"How was it with your grandmother?" I ask as we sit down on the couch.
"It was good. She's as brisk as ever. That woman doesn't let anything stop her." She say with a smile.
"Someone to look up to." I snicker, pulling a blanket off the couch and putting it on our legs. We're both sitting with our legs up, facing each other. The landlord promised that the heat would be back tomorrow, which means a couple of more weeks with no heat. I use the oven as a heater sometimes, but it's still cold. Now I've gotten a couple of candles burning and they do help, but not enough. A fireplace would have been nice.
"Exactly! So what have you planned for dinner?" Lea ask, raising an eyebrow. She knows how little I cook and I smile at her sheepishly.
"Well, don't kill me." I say and she narrows her eyes at me. "But I thought that maybe we could eat somewhere else..." I say, giving her puppy dog eyes.
"Okay?" She looks at me like I'm an idiot, which makes me laugh.
"Daniel say that they were eating together tonight, apparently those guys can't stay away from each other for one day, and he invited us." I say and worry about her reaction, but the smile on her face say that I'm on the clear.
"Oh! That sounds great." Her face changes to ecstatic. "Oh my god! Then I can see Link for real." She say and my cheeks turns red. "You know that I haven't met the other guys, only Daniel and Zeke. I can't believe that I get to meet them tonight." She laughs and claps her hands. I shake my head, but smile at her. Daniel told me that he was closest with Luke, Thomas, Zeke, Freddie and Link from the team, they often hangout.
I wonder quietly if she's going to expose to Link that she knows about us, she's not always the most clever when it comes to subtlety. I hope she doesn't though, that would be embarrassing.
"Good, I'll text Daniel and tell him we're on." I say and pick my phone up. As I've written the message I look over at Lea who has a huge smile on her face. "What?" I ask, wondering if there's something more than meeting the guys that's on her mind, making her so happy.
"I'm just thrilled, now I get to see with my own eyes how Link behaves around you." She say, sounding like an author, who's reviewing something.
"Oh, talking about that. He was actually nice to me yesterday." I say with a voice thick with inappreciative, I still can't believe it. "Or maybe I just dreamed the whole thing." I mumble, fiddling with the blanket.
"What? Oh my god! What happened?" She sounds like it's the biggest gossip of the year. Making me snicker. I love how she really get into things, she takes everything serious when I talk.
"Well, first he got me a soda when I couldn't get it myself, then he drove me home." I say, adding a little extra shock to my voice. Her mouth drops open.
"Wow! Maybe he likes you?" She say, one of her eyebrows raising. What? Is she insane? He does two nice things and suddenly he liked me? No way. He's still an asshole.
"No, he does not like me. He had a brain bleed or something." I say, shaking my head.
"Well, we'll see. I will make my own perception on that tonight." She say and flip her hair to the side. I laugh and shake my head at her. It will actually be nice to have her there, then I have someone I can discuss things with afterwards.

His teammate
RomanceI've never been that kind of girl, but when I look into those bright eyes of the stranger in the bar, I know he's different. I feel a pull towards him that I've never experienced before. I've never been with anyone that good before. He left without...