Chapter I

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Two years after decade long Trojan War which resulted in the death of Achilles, Pyrrha Nikos vowed to become a great warrior like her father. She would become known far and wide as a great warrior that rivals even that of Achilles himself. She would become a Misthios and reform the Myrmidons with Eudoros at her side. Eudoros had served under Achilles during the Trojan as his second in command. On the island of Crete, Pyrrha and the Myrmidons prepare an assault on an enemy fortress. 

Eudoros: The fortress is heavily fortified commander. The enemy has us outnumbered 5 to 1. 

Pyrrha looked upon the fortress with a smirk on her face. Seeing the armed  enemy forces preparing their defenses didn't bother her one bit. 

Pyrrha: This will be good exercise for the men! 

Eudoros: You truly are the daughter of Achilles. He would be very proud to see the warrior you've become Pyrrha. 

Pyrrha: I'm only here not only because of my father, but to you and the Myrmidons. Fighting besides you is my great honor. 

Eudoros was moved by Pyrrha's words. He deeply admired Achilles back in the Trojan War and he could easily see Achilles in Pyrrha. That thought filled the old warrior with pride. Soon, Pyrrha gathered the Myrmidons for battle. 


As Pyrrha shouted the name, all the Myrmidons formed up with shield and spear in their hands. Pyrrha then pulled out her Milo sword and saluted her Myrmidons with it.

Pyrrha: My brothers of the sword! It is an honor to fight besides such powerful lions as you all! I see before me the finest warriors in all of Greece! I'd rather fight alongside you than any army of thousands! Let no man forget how menacing we are for we are lions! 

The Myrmidons begin banging their spears onto their spears. 

Pyrrha: Now let us plunge ourselves into the jaws of Hades itself! Honor, glory and immortality await us! 

The men let out a thunderous cheer as Pyrrha put on her Corinthian helmet. She readied her sword and shield as she raised her hand. The Myrmidons then crowded around Pyrrha and formed a wall of shields. 



Myrmidons: FOR VICTORY!

Pyrrha and the Myrmidons began marching to the enemy fortress. Inside the fortress, the Cretan Commander saw the wall of shields coming his way. He saw the Pyrrha's Akouo shield at the center. 

Cretan Commander: It's Pyrrha Nikos and the Myrmidons! Kill them! Don't let them near the gates!

As the Cretan Commander barked his orders, the archers stationed along the walls shot a volley of arrows upon the shield wall. As the arrows rained upon them, the Myrmidons didn't flinch an inch as they bounced off the shields. 

Pyrrha: Maintain positions! On my command!

Eudoros: Keep moving!

Pyrrha and the Myrmidons moved closer and closer to the gate as the archers desperately fired upon the shield wall, hoping to kill at least one of the Myrmidons. But their hopes were soon shattered. 


Eudoros: Break down the gates!

Without hesitation, the Myrmidons broke from their position and broke down the wooden gates. As the Cretan warriors attempt to mount up a defense, Pyrrha and the Myrmidons were already in the fortress. 


The Myrmidons began sweeping through the fortress like a purging flame. Pyrrha had only 200 Myrmidons including Eudoros and herself. Despite being outnumbered, neither Pyrrha and the Myrmidons showed any fear. As they fought through the Cretans, Pyrrha turned to Eudoros. 

Pyrrha: Lead the Myrmidons to glory! I will go after the head of the snake! May the Gods smile  on you Eudoros!

Eudoros: May the Gods grant you good fortune young Pyrrha! MYRMIDONS! TO ME! 

Eudoros then took command of the Myrmidons as Pyrrha cut her way through the Cretans. Eventually, she was face to face with the Cretan Commander. Her sword was bloodied and her eyes were full of focus. 

Pyrrha: Hello there. 

Cretan Commander: Pyrrha Nikos. The famed daughter of Achilles. How would your father feel if he saw his daughter reduced to a mere Misthios fighting for coin?

Pyrrha: Says the man cowering behind a fortress. Surrender and your life will be spared.

Cretan Commander: I will not have a Misthios command me! Let alone a fucking woman! 

The Commander drew his sword and charged at Pyrrha. She blocked the attack with her shield and followed up with a swing of her sword. The Cretan Commander was unable to keep up with her speed and strength as Pyrrha dealt a fatal thrust with her Milo sword into the commander's chest. As his body fell to the ground, Pyrrha looked upon the commander's body. 

Pyrrha: May unyielding Hades grant you safe passage. 

With that, the commander was dead. Pyrrha and the Myrmidons were victorious. Eudoros led the Myrmidons in a loud and thunderous cheer.

Eudoros/Myrmidons: PYRRHA! PYRRHA! PYRRHA!

In that moment, Pyrrha Nikos had led her Myrmidons to a glorious victory on the island of Crete. Just as her father did before her, Pyrrha Nikos achieved victory in battle against what most would call hopeless odds. To Pyrrha and her Myrmidons, this was yet another glorious victory to tell stories of. And it would not be the last for Pyrrha and the Myrmidons. In that moment, Pyrrha felt closer to Achilles. She looked at the Heavens and dedicated this victory to her father.

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