Chapter VIII

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After Cinder's attack on Ozpin's cave, Jaune along with Ren and Nora regrouped with Eudoros and the Myrmidons in the outskirts of Mycenae. As they stopped to recuperate, the three followers of Ozpin soon took a moment to reflect on what had just happened. Nora was the first to speak out.

Nora: This isn't right! We shouldn't have left him!

Ren: Nora....

Nora: We shouldn't have left him! We left him to die!

Ren: We must hide. Agamemnon won't stop with Ozpin. He'll hunt down all who followed him, including us.

Nora: Good! I want that son of a bitch to hunt us down! I want to see the look on his face when I smash his fucking skull and break his fucking legs!

As Nora and Ren argued, Jaune was in a state of disbelief. He couldn't fathom that that had just left Ozpin to be killed by Cinder and her forces. Ozpin was like a father to him.

Jaune: I can't believe this is happening.....this can't be happening.

Pyrrha: We must keep moving. Cinder and her forces may be on the move. This valley will be swarming with her troops by nightfall.

Eudoros: You heard the commander! We must keep moving!

As Eudoros led the Myrmidons through the valley, Pyrrha turned to Jaune who was still in a state of shock as well as Ren and Nora.

Pyrrha: I know you're hurting, but we must keep moving. I know how you're feeling, believe me I do. Agamemnon will get what he deserves, that I promise you.

In that moment, Jaune took a deep breath and stood beside Pyrrha. He soon turned to Ren and Nora. He saw that they were divided on what to do next. Nora wanted to go back and face Cinder, but Ren thought hiding was the better option.

Jaune: Pyrrha is right. We have to keep going.

Nora: What?! Are you saying that we run with our tails tucked between our legs?!

Jaune: Of course not, but the three of us don't stand a chance against Agamemnon's army. But Pyrrha and the Myrmidons might be our best shot. You all heard what Ozpin said back in the cave. Our destiny lies with Pyrrha.

In that moment, Ren and Nora put aside their differences to honor the final prophecy of a man they considered to be a father to them.

Ren: Very well, Jaune. I won't forsake you now.

Nora was hesitant. Part of her wanted to hunt down Agamemnon to the ends of the Earh. But in the end, she wished to honor Ozpin's final wish.

Nora: If honoring Ozpin means retreating for the time being, then I'm willing to follow. 

In that moment, Nora and Ren joined Jaune in following Pyrrha. Meanwhile, Cinder made her way to Agamemnon's palace. As she approached the king, she bowed to him. 

Cinder: Ozpin is dead, my king. 

Cinder then presented the decapitated head of Ozpin. Agamemnon lets out a smirk as he gazed upon the bloodied head of Ozpin. 

Agamemnon: Where is your prophecy now, old Ozpin? 

Cinder: I regret to inform you that Pyrrha and the Myrmidons escaped. 

Upon hearing this, there was a brief moment of anger in Agamemnon's face. That rage soon turned to an arrogant smirk. 

Agamemnon: The girl won't run away. She's too much like her fool of a father. She'll retaliate soon enough. 

Cinder: You really think she'd do something that foolish? 

Agamemnon: Like Achilles, Pyrrha is motivated by pride. Pride is what killed the seemingly invincible Achilles. Pyrrha won't run away out because it would dishonor the legacy of Achilles. 

Cinder: So you're saying that Nikos will fight you just to please a dead man?

Agamemnon: She would gladly march into the depths of Tartarus and stand against Hades himself if it meant pleasing that same dead man. 

As Agamemnon said this, Cinder expressed contempt for Pyrrha's devotion to Achilles. Agamemnon understood this because he had fought alongside Achilles during the Trojan War. 

Cinder: Such a sad and pathetic devotion. 

Agamemnon: A sad and pathetic devotion that we can exploit. It won't be long until Pyrrha begins to lead the Myrmidons into the city for revenge. We will be ready. 

Cinder: Why wait for them to attack. They couldn't have gotten far. And there's only one way to the city. I could easily take my men through that path and intercept them. 

As Cinder said that, Agamemnon became interested. While he wanted to play it safe, he also wanted Pyrrha dealt with.

Agamemnon: Very well then Cinder. Take your men to the path and intercept them. Wipe out the Myrmidons, but I want Pyrrha and Eudoros brought to me alive. I want them to know the price of their insolence. 

In that moment, a feeling of satisfaction fell on Cinder. She had a personal vendetta with Pyrrha. She felt that her reputation as a great warrior was undeserved. In fact, Cinder hated Pyrrha Nikos, though it wasn't because her king hated her. Simply put, Cinder hated Pyrrha because of the glory that came not only from her military escapades, but simply because of who her father was. 

Cinder: It will be done, my king. 

As Cinder exited the halls of Agamemnon, Agamemnon took a moment to relish in what he viewed as an inevitable victory. He had successfully orchestrated the death of Ozpin. Now he was on his way to killing the daughter of his most hated rival as the ultimate act of humiliation. At least, that was what Agamemnon thought. 

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