Chapter VII

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As night fell, Pyrrha soon earned not only Ozpin's trust, but the trust of his followers as well. Pyrrha soon spoke with Eudoros in private.

Pyrrha: How are the men?

Eudoros: The Myrmidons are in high spirits.

Pyrrha: Do you think made the right decision, Eudoros?

Eudoros: You chose honor over coin. Achilles would've made the same choice if given the chance.

Pyrrha smiled at Euduros's wisdom. There were times in Pyrrha's life where Pyrrha doubted herself. Where she felt she was unable to live up to her father's glory. Eudoros's words helped her cast aside these doubts. Suddenly, the Myrmidons were atacked. 

Myrmidon Lieutenant: WE'RE UNDER ATTACK!

Pyrrha and Eudoros rushed out of the cave and saw the Myrmidons engaging with Mycenaean warriors. In this moment, Pyrrha looked and saw Cinder leading the attack.

Pyrrha: Cinder....Agamemnon knows. 

Eudoros: I will lead the defensive! Go warn Ozpin!

Pyrrha was hesitant about leaving Eudoros, but she had faith in Eudoros in his ability to lead the Myrmidons. As Eudoros led the Myrmidons, Pyrrha entered the cave and made her way back to Ozpin. 

Pyrrha: Ozpin! We're under attack!

Jaune: Are you serious?! 

Pyrrha: Agamemnon has come here to wipe you out! My men are holding the line!

Nora: We need to get Ozpin out of here!

Ozpin: No. My time has come. If Agamemnon wishes to kill me, then let him. It will not alter his fate. 

Ren: We can't leave you behind! 

Ozpin: You cannot change destiny, my friend. My path has been decided. You all must follow a different path. Go with Pyrrha Nikos. Your destiny lies with her. 

Jaune along with Nora and Ren were disheartened by this. They didn't want to leave Ozpin. He was like a father to them. Ozpin then turned to Pyrrha. 

Pyrrha: Guide them, Pyrrha Nikos. Guide them to their destiny. 

Pyrrha: I will, Ozpin.

Ozpin smiled to Pyrrha as he placed a hand on her shoulders. He then sits down and tends to the fire. 

Ozpin: Have your men fall back. My people will hold the line. Go. 

Pyrrha: Understood. 

Pyrrha then runs over to Eudoros who is leading the defensive against Cinder and the Mycenaean warriors. 

Pyrrha: Eudoros! Have the Myrmidons retreat! Lead them to the cave! When you see an opportunity, escape! 

Eudoros followed Pyrrha's orders as he had the Myrmidons retreat. As the Mycenaean warriors were about to pursue, Cinder notices Eudoros. 

Cinder: Focus on the old man! Bring me his head!

Eudoros begins leading Cinder and the Mycenaean warriors into the cave. As they chased after Eudoros, they were ambushed by Ozpin's followers. During the chaos, Eudoros was able to slip away. 


Cinder began cutting down any of Ozpin's followers that crossed her path. Despite their best efforts, Ozpin's followers were cut down by Cinder and her troops. Eventually, Cinder was face to face with Ozpin. 

Cinder: Ozpin at last. 

Ozpin: So the commander of Agamemnon's army has come here to greet me. I'm disappointed. But then again, what else do I expect from a man like Agamemnon. 

Cinder raised her sword to Ozpin, who remained calm. Ozpin showed no fear as he got up and looked Cinder in the eyes. 

Ozpin: Despite your title, you are nothing more than Agamemnon's slave. What do you think killing me will do? He cannot escape destiny. 

Cinder showed no interest in Ozpin's words. She hits Ozpin in the face with the hilt of her sword and kicks him to the ground. Despite this, Ozpin remained calm and collected. 

Cinder: Agamemnon was right about you....such arrogance. 

Ozpin slowly got up, still smiling. 

Ozpin: You misunderstand me. It is not arrogance to know the future. It is both a blessing and a curse.

Cinder: Why did you remain here, Ozpin? You knew Agamemnon would come to kill you, yet you remain. Why?

Ozpin: Men cannot escape their fate. It is the will of the Gods that I remain here to meet my fate. Just as it is the will of the Gods that Agamemnon shall die. 

Cinder looked at the old man with contempt in her eyes. 

Cinder: Look around you, old man. Your followers are dead. Everything you've built will be destroyed. The Gods have forsaken you. 

Ozpin: Is that what you believe? What Agamemnon believes? I'm afraid you're wrong. No man alive can alter his destiny. Not even a king. 

Without hesitation, Cinder thrust her sword into Ozpin's chest. Ozpin showed no fear as he coughed up blood. Cinder then kicks Ozpin off her sword. As Ozpin writhes on the ground in pain, Cinder looks to Ozpin with no emotions in her eyes. She watches as he begins to bleed out. Despite this, Ozpin remained defiant. 

Ozpin: None can....defy fate. Not you. Not Agamemnon. 

Cinder: Your talks of fate and destiny are wasted on me, old man. All I hear are the ramblings of an old man. 

Ozpin simply chuckles as he stares into Cinder's eyes. 

Cinder: Any last words?

Ozpin: I am ready to die. Are you?

Cinder was silent as she raised her sword. With a single swing of her sword, Cinder executed Ozpin. She then collected his head and placed it in a bag. While Pyrrha and the Myrmidons managed to escape, Cinder managed to kill Ozpin. Meanwhile, Jaune, Nora and Ren would find refuge with Pyrrha and the Myrmidons. With this act, Agamemnon had declared war on Pyrrha Nikos. Pyrrha intended to lead the Myrmidons to victory. 

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