Chapter IX

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In the days following their escape, Pyrrha along with the Myrmidons and the followers of Ozpin his from Agamemnon and his warriors. In that time, Pyrrha grew close with Jaune as well as Ren and Nora. On one fateful day, Pyrrha gathered her allies to formulate a plan.

Pyrrha: The time has come for us to exact vengeance on Agamemnon.

Nora: About damn time!

Ren: Calm yourself, Nora. What will we do?

Pyrrha: By now, Agamemnon will have his men stationed at the docks to block off any means of escape, but he knows we won't try to escape. He knows we'll strike back.

As Pyrrha said this, she turned to Eudoros and nods to him. Eudoros then placed a drawn map of Agamemnon's palace on the ground.

Eudoros: The palace will be heavily guarded. Agamemnon will have all his troops on standby. We will take the attack on the palace.

Jaune: Won't that be risky?

Pyrrha: If I know Agamemnon, then he and Cinder Fall will no doubt be setting up a trap for us. We will spring the trap.

Upon hearing this, a moment of silence was felt. No one expressed approval or concern for the plan. Pyrrha's concern fell for the Myrmidons as well as the followers of Ozpin including Jaune. She got up and drew her sword. She then drew a line in the sand, separating herself and everyone else.

Pyrrha: The battle ahead will present many risks. It it a likely hood that many will die in this battle. I will not ask you to fight for me. I present you all with a choice. If you wish to fight alongside me, then cross this line in the sand. If you wish to leave, stay. If you chose to leave, I will harbor no ill will towards you. If you wish to leave and join your families, then I will accept your choice.

Pyrrha's words sent chills down everyone's spines. It made the dangers of this battle very clear. Fighting this battle against Agamemnon will likely end in death. Eudoros soon broke the silence.

Eudoros: I've fought beside your father in many battles. I considered him a brother and a friend. I would follow Achilles into hell itself if he gave the order. I followed Achilles not because he was a great warrior, but I followed him because he was a great man. I would gladly follow him to battle as I am with you. Pyrrha Nikos, you need not ask my loyalty for I will gladly fight by your side until the bitter end.

As Eudoros said that, he crossed the line without hesitation. Soon enough, the Myrmidons crossed the line one by one and joined Pyrrha. Pyrrha smiled as she nearly teared up. All that was left was Jaune, Ren and Nora.

Pyrrha: Jaune Arc. Lie Ren. Nora Valkyrie. I offer you all the chance to leave. Ozpin said that your destiny lies with me. I am offering you all a chance to leave and fulfill your own destiny.

The three followers of Ozpin took a moment to reflect on the choice given to them by Pyrrha. This was their chance to leave avoid possible death. 

Nora: If I allow Agamemnon to breath another day, then how could I live with myself?

Nora then crossed the line in the sand and joined Pyrrha and the Myrmidons. Ren then spoke up. 

Ren: I've know Ozpin all my life just as I've known Jaune and Nora. They were the closest thing I've ever had to a family. I cannot and will not abandon you in this time.

Ren then crossed the line in the sand and joined Nora as well as Pyrrha and the Myrmidons. All that was left was Jaune. He looked down at the line that was drawn and took several deep breaths. All his life, Jaune was unsure of himself. He always aspired to be something great, but he had self doubt. He then looked to Pyrrha and stared into her green eyes. In his mind, Pyrrha was everything Jaune was not. She was skilled, powerful, courageous. In the brief time he's known her, Jaune looked up to Pyrrha as much as he did with Ozpin. 

Pyrrha: Jaune Arc. I will not ask you to put your life on the line for me. If you wish to leave, I will harbor no ill will towards you. 

Jaune: All my life I've wanted to be something more than I was. I'm not like you. I'm not skilled or as powerful as you. I....I don't think I ever will be. With that being said, I can't turn back. I can't turn back on the people I care about. If I did, then I may as well be dead. 

Without hesitation, Jaune crossed the line in the sand and stood by Pyrrha. A smile fell on her face as she placed a hand on Jaune's shoulder. 

Pyrrha: I thank you, Jaune Arc. I thank you all. 

In that moment, everyone made their choice. they would follow Pyrrha to battle as they marched for Agamemnon's palace. Despite the chance of failure, they would follow Pyrrha no matter what. In Pyrrha's mind, this display was a testament to her own legacy as well as the legacy of Achilles. To Pyrrha, this was the moment that would define her. Like her father Achilles did before her, Pyrrha would march to battle with a clear mind. 

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