Chapter XII

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As the battle raged in Agamemnon's palace, the Myrmidons made their final stand while a wounded Pyrrha slowly made her way to the throne room where Agamemnon sat in his throne. 

Agamemnon: Pyrrha Nikos. I've been expecting you. 

Pyrrha: It''s over Agamemnon. 

Agamemnon: I did not want it to end like this, Pyrrha. All you had to do was follow your orders. Yet you allowed your pride to dictate your actions. Such was what killed Achilles. 

Pyrrha: Do not....speak of my father!

Agamemnon smiled as he watched Pyrrha clutch her abdomen. He could tell that Pyrrha was close to death. He watched as blood dripped onto the floor. 

Agamemnon: Look at how far you've fallen, Pyrrha Nikos. Just like your father, you could never truly see that you were not invincible. Tell me, did Cinder inflict those wounds? 

Pyrrha: Ask her...yourself....

Upon hearing this, Agamemnon quickly pieced together that Pyrrha had killed Cinder. The king then pulls out a knife and begins walking towards Pyrrha. 

Agamemnon: I must confess, my dear. There were times where I wanted to kill Achilles. The only reason I did no such thing was that I needed his skill. As great of a warrior as he was, he could never see the bigger picture. History remembers kings, not soldiers. 

As Pyrrha dropped to her knees in pain, Agamemnon flashed a sadistic smile as he readied the knife. Pyrrha looked into Agamemnon's eyes and spat blood on his face. 

Agamemnon: Killing you will have to suffice. Though it will give me much satisfaction knowing that the line of Achilles will die with you. 

With a sadistic smile on his face, Agamemnon plunged the knife into Pyrrha's chest and twisted it. But in a split second, Pyrrha saw her opportunity and plunged her Milo sword into Agamemnon's chest. Overcome with shock, Agamemnon steps away in pain. Pyrrha slowly gets up and walks to the wounded king.

Pyrrha: for my father.....

Pyrrha finishes off Agamemnon by decapitating him. After that, Pyrrha reclaimed her sword and joined what remained of the Myrmidons. The Mycenaean soon surrounded the Myrmidons. Pyrrha looked to her men and smiled. 

Pyrrha: Let no man forget how menacing we are for we are lions! Death waits for us! I saw we make him wait a little longer! Now let us plunge ourselves into the jaws of Hades itself! Honor, glory and immortality await us!

Pyrrha then lets out a loud unearthly roar as she leads the Myrmidons in one final clash. Pyrrha and the Myrmidons made their stand the Mycenaeans charged at them. Pyrrha and the Myrmidons fought like lions. Even as they began to be overwhelmed, neither Pyrrha nor the Myrmidons showed no mercy. But soon, Pyrrha and the Myrmidons fell in a glorious defeat. As Pyrrha breathed her last breath, her mind fell on the last time she saw Achilles. 

Achilles: Remember what I taught you. It is better to live a short life of glory.....

Pyrrha(Past):....than a long life of obscurity. 

Achilles: I've taught you well Pyrrha. I am very proud of you. 

As Pyrrha recounted that memory, Pyrrha smiled. She felt as if she had finally stepped out of Achilles's shadow and became her own legend. Despite this, all Pyrrha wanted to do was make her father proud. 

Pyrrha: Father....thank you....

Pyrrha closed her eyes and died alongside the Myrmidons. The battle would soon spread across all of Greece. It would be known as the Last Stand of Pyrrha Nikos. That very battle would immortalize her. Like her father, Pyrrha lived a short life of glory. Meanwhile, Jaune as well as Ren and Nora reached the island of Ithaca. 

Jaune: Finally....

Nora: So what now?

Ren: Pyrrha sacrificed ourselves so that we may live. By killing Agamemnon, she freed us. Our destiny is now our own. 

With that, the former followers of Ozpin would take a moment to mourn the loss of Pyrrha. They were able to have this new life because of Pyrrha's sacrifice. As Jaune mourned Pyrrha, he wondered about the life that could've been. He saw a life where he and Pyrrha settled down and had children to carry on their legacy. As he thought of this, Jaune wept. 

Jaune: Pyrrha gave us this life. If it weren't for her, we'd all be dead. 

Nora: Jaune....

Jaune: Ozpin knew of this. He knew Pyrrha would come into our lives and give us this opportunity. Because of Pyrrha's sacrifice, we can now live our lives without having to worry about anything. She sacrificed her life because she believed in us. Like Ozpin, Pyrrha saw something in us. Let's not make those sacrifices be in vain. 

Ren: We shall honor Pyrrha's sacrifice. 

Nora: She honored Ozpin's sacrifice by killing that bastard Agamemnon! 

Jaune looked to the coastline and wept for the life he could no longer live with Pyrrha. He reflected on what could've been. Though he knew her only for a short time, Jaune deeply loved Pyrrha with all his heart. 

Jaune: Pyrrha....thank you....

Despite the sorrow in his heart, Jaune felt optimistic for the future. Thanks to Pyrrha, he along with Ren and Nora could live fulfilling lives without fear. In the decades the followed, Ren and Nora would soon marry and have children of their own. Nora would become a respected military commander while Ren became a farmer. Jaune would become a philosopher and live out the remainder of his days honoring the legend of Pyrrha Nikos. In the centuries that followed, Pyrrha Nikos would forever remembered as one of the greatest Heroes of all time.

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