Chapter II

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After their glorious victory, Pyrrha Nikos and the Myrmidons were paid for their services. She then led them to a local tavern in Crete to celebrate their victory. As the Myrmidons celebrated their victory with wine and merrymaking, Pyrrha spoke with Eudoros.

Pyrrha: To another glorious victory!

Eudoros: Aye! To another glorious victory for the Myrmidons!

The two then took sips from their cups of wine. Afterwards, Pyrrha began discussing the next step for the Myrmidons.

Eudoros: What now, Pyrrha? What's next for the Myrmidons?

Pyrrha: For now, we celebrate our glorious victory. Once the men have had their share of wine and merrymaking, we make way for the city of Mycenae. A job awaits us there.

Eudoros: Mycenae? What awaits us in Mycenae?

Pyrrha: No information was given. In fact, this client has asked for the Myrmidons specifically. He or she has yet to give a name.

That piece of information puzzled the seasoned Eudoros. He knew that if this was Achilles, he wouldn't have humored this.

Eudoros: If you father was in your position, he would scoff this off as the act of a coward.

Pyrrha: You're not wrong. But perhaps this job could bring good coin and bountiful glory for the Myrmidons.

Eudoros: Let us hope so Pyrrha.

As the two drank, the Myrmidons continued to celebrate their victory. Suddenly, a group of Ionian Mercenaries entered the tavern. The presence of the Ionians silenced the crowd. The Ionians walked up to the bar

Ionian Commander: Ten bottles of your finest wine. Now.

As the commander tossed a small bag of coins to the bar, the worker did as he was told. As the Ionians got their wine, the room remained silent.

Ionian Commander: What's the matter? Haven't you Greek fools ever seen an Ionian before?!

Pyrrha then finishes her cup of wine and approached the Ionians. They initally ignored her to much of the Myrmidon's annoyance.

Pyrrha: Hello Ionians.

Ionian Commander: What do you want woman? Can't you see we're busy?

Pyrrha: I'd hardly call drinking busy. But I am not here to judge you. From one misthios to another, we should be friends.

Upon hearing that, the Ionian Commander and his fellow Ionian mercenaries began laughing loudly. Pyrrha simply smirks.

Ionian Commander: You?! Our equal?! Don't delude yourself! We are not equals!

Pyrrha: My mistake. If you were my equal, then I'd pray to Zeus for forgiveness.

That comment agitated the Ionian as he got up and approached Pyrrha threateningly. Eudoros and the Myrmidons reached for their swords, but Pyrrha signaled them to stand down.

Ionian Commander: Watch your tongue girl! Do you know who I am? I am the Butcher of Iolcus! Not a sword in Greece could challenge me!

Ionian Mercenary: Perhaps you should come to Ionia. You'll get more entertainment from our men there than the men here!

Pyrrha grew impatient with the Ionian as she punched him in the face, sending him to the ground. The other Ionians rushed to their downed leader. As he recovered, rage filled him.

Ionian Commander: You fucking bitch! You dare strike me?!

Before the Ionian could attack, Pyrrha drew her Milo sword at the Ionian, stopping him in his tracks.

Pyrrha: Remember this, Ionians. I am Pyrrha Nikos, daughter of Achilles. Daughter of the greatest warrior to have ever lived. I proudly lead the Myrmidons to glory. Remember that.

As Pyrrha sheathed her sword, the Myrmidons began cheer for their leader. Pyrrha smirks to herself as the Myrmidons resumed their celebration. Pyrrha took one look at the Ionians as they helped their commander up. 

Ionian Commander: You are a fucking coward! You hide behind your men! Face me if you are a true warrior! Or are you a coward just like your father?!

That insult was the last straw for Pyrrha. Hearing the insult about her father deeply angered her. The room fell silent once more. After a moment of tense silence, Pyrrha spoke to the commander.

Pyrrha: All right then, you and me will face outside. I don't want to get your blood all over this tavern. 

Ionian Commander: You will pay for you insolence child! I will show you who is your superior!

After that, Pyrrha and the Ionian Commander met outside the tavern for their duel. Both the Myrmidons and the Ionians crowded around them. Pyrrha kept her eye on the Ionian while he mocked her to the amusement of the other Ionians. 

Ionian Commander: Look at this whore! She won't last a second against me! 

Pyrrha then gave Eudoros her Akouo shield and unsheathed her Milo sword. The Ionian prepared his spear and got into a fighting stance. When the fight stared, Pyrrha rushed towards her as the Ionian did the same. When they got close to another, Pyrrha blocked a thrust from the Ionian and followed with a slash to the throat. Before the Ionian knew what happened, he collapsed to the ground dead. The Myrmidons cheered for Pyrrha as the Ionians began running away in fear. After the fight, Pyrrha turned to her men. 

Pyrrha: Now where were we?! Let us resume our celebration! 

The Myrmidons cheered for Pyrrha as she led them back to the tavern to resume their celebration. The celebration would last for two days. After that, Pyrrha and the Myrmidons departed from Crete to begin the journey to Mycenae. As they did, Pyrrha anticipated for who the client was and what the job could be. Either way, Pyrrha desired nothing more than glory. 

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