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Today was the day.

The day the Tracy's went to the mall.

What could go wrong? You ask?

Gordon and Kayo.

 They could destroy the mall by accident in under 20 minutes. When they were ten they did exactly that! So when those two were at the mall together along with Jeff, Grandma, Brains,  Georgia and the other boys, they were kept on a very short leash. 


Jeff, Grandma and Brains had Kayo. So Scott, Virgil, John, Alan and Georgia  had Gordon, the only reason less people were holding onto the leash that Kayo was wearing, was because they had Grandma, and she is terrifying to say the least.

If only they knew that the leashes wouldn't hold.


Gordon trudged along beside Kayo watching their siblings having fun at all the shops. He decided escape was in order. And he had an idea. Gordon took a Swiss Army knife out of his pocket and began sawing at the line keeping them captive and free of fun. 

When his line finally snapped he threw the knife at Kayo and she caught it, then beginning to saw through her leash. Gordon made sure he kept pressure on the leash so Virgil wouldn't get suspicious but as soon as Kayo was free, the two teenagers booked it to the nearest food shop, siblings and dad not far behind, all yelling and screaming at them the whole way.

The pair of runaways, sprinted through the long isles of the food shopping centre Scott and John behind them, but Jeff Alan and Georgia blocking their only escape. What could they do know, they were trapped? Jeff thought cockily, they were climbing the shelves, oh no "GORDON AND TANUSHA TRACY GET YOUR ASSES DOWN HERE NOW!" He screeched, Gordon cackled and stuck his tongue out, Kayo just  smirked and flipped off Alan, who had come around the isle to get to the pair. 

Deciding it was time to get out of there Gordon nodded at Kayo and then proceeded to jump to the next shelf Kayo following him, they were almost at the end when Kayo's foot slipped making the shelf tip over.

Towards all the other shelves.

Creating a giant line of dominos.

Gordon looked at Kayo in regret before they both plummeted into a pile of chips and lollies. "Ow, ow, ow,ow ow ow ow, ow, ow..." this continued as the two were then grabbed by the ear and pulled out of the store by a furious Scott. Kids, teens and adults all watched and sniggered as the two miscreants were dragged out of the store by an angry 22 year old, followed by 3 boys and a girl, a grandma, a scientist and an infuriated billionaire/ex-astronaut.

Gordon and Kayo were grounded for a month, leading to having a bored 17 year old  Kayo and a bored 14 year old Gordon. 

The two learnt some really cool fighting and self defence moves which  Gordon ended up using on a rescue in some caves in Thailand not long after their grounding ended, when three massive, bulky men tried to kidnap him.

Nobody likes to get on his bad side or Sparr with the 14 year old anymore, aside from Kayo who is the only one capable of matching his skill. 

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