Hypothermia- rocket boy for mayhem 😘

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A/N idk a lot about hypothermia but I'm trying .-.

He tried to out run the wave, he was sprinting as if there was a flood closing in on him.

Because there was.

A huge wave of freezing water filled with debris and other dangerous stuff was coming to get him.

Thunderbird two was above him, lowering a harness with Gordon and Georgia waiting in the lowered platform to reel him in.

He's so close his fingers touch the line that would get him to safety.

But he trips.

And that now means he's to late because the flood sweeps him up and he can't grab the life line.

He can feel the frigid water even through his suit, as he's hit his helmet flings off his head and that head is exposed to the icy temperature. The water somehow squeezes itself into his suit now. His helmet having kept it out originally. 

He swims upwards towards the light and resists the urge to inhale in shock, but once he breaks the surface he gasps in as much air as he can. He's shivering now, his toes and fingers going numb, he's pretty sure his lips are blue and he's probably pale.

He treads water for 10 minutes. He's getting tired, maybe if he just closes his eyes for a few minutes...? He's about to, but stops short as he hears the thundering noise caused by twos presence  seconds later he sees the blurry Tan face and long blonde ponytail as well as the peach sash and feels someone grabbing his arm, hears them yell "I gotcha baby bro" over the crashing waves.

It's Georgia.

And he smiles, exhausted as she hugs him to her and yells for Gordon to bring them up, he feels himself being extracted from the cold waters and he's honestly not shivering anymore. Subconsciously he knows that means his hypothermia is becoming more serious, his body is SUPOSED to shiver to keep him warm, but it's stopped and he doesn't feel as cold anymore.

Just tired. Really really tired.

He hadn't noticed his eyes were closed until the twins were yelling at him to open them. 

"Come on Allie Virg is coming just hold on a bit" "yeah Allie me and Gordo can't pull all the pranks so stay awake!" "'m t'red guys lemme s'eep" he groaned quietly.

He vaguely hears the yelling, Virgil telling the twins to get thermal blankets, jackets, anything warm, to help him.

And he idoly contemplates what might happen if he ignores them.

If he closes his eyes and risks never opening them again.

But he's stubborn. He keeps his eyes half lidded but he's awake.

Virgil gets rid of his suit and puts him in a way to big hoodie from one of the lockers, Georgia puts socks on his feet and Gordon is placing heat packs under his arms, and on his stomach and chest, even on his arms, hands and legs. He's covered in silver thermal blankets and fussed over by Virgil as the twins head to the cockpipt.

And after another 20 minutes he's shivering again. 

And that's good because it means his body is readjusting to the temperature.

He's going to survive.

It's probably safe if he closes his eyes now. 

He supposes he was out for a bit because now he's warm and in a bed, and probably home.

What if he HADN'T tried to stay awake?

As much as he would have loved to see his mum again, he's glad it wasn't this early. He wonders what would have happened if he HAD decided to give up and close his eyes. Would it just be like going to sleep forever... would he be in pain? How would his family react.They'd already lost mum and dad if he had given up would they have fallen apart? Or would they get back up and keep saving lives.

He doesn't dwell on that anymore. 

Instead he opens his eyes andlooks around the med bay to where his 4 brothers, 2 sisters, grandma, brains and max are scattered around the room, smiling from where they were seated waiting for him to wake up again.

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