5 times the floor wasn't lava and one time it was...

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Gordon was scrolling through the internet looking for something to do like every other teenager with a phone when he stumbled across a trend that was last popular in 2059 Called floor is lava. He decided it was time to test it out, so he immediately went to try it on Alan and Georgia first.

1. Alan and Georgia

He called them into the living room for an apparent prank idea and held the camera in his hand starting the recording. As soon as the pair entered the room, Gordon stood on the coffee table and yelled "FLOOR IS LAVA" 

Georgia and Alan's eyes widened in recognition before they each scrambled to different places. Alan ran to their fathers desk and Georgia ran to the couch after they were safe, they each hopped off their spots and onto the ground.

Georgia smirked, an idea coming to her head "guess what? The floor is lava and u can't go to any spots used by anyone last time" Gordon sprinted to the light fixtures that lead to Scotts suit up when Alan climbed a bookshelf and Georgia sat on dads office chair.

Not realising what he was doing, Gordon pulled down on the light fixtures to hoist himself off the floor, he forgot that's how Scott's suit up started. He screeched as the bars held him in place and the wall spun around. Gordon lifted his watch to his  mouths, and panicking decided the best approach was...

To screech into the comm to Scott about how he was gonna become a pancake. 

And Scott, not really knowing what was happening panicked, "GORDO CALM THE HECK DOWN! WHATS WRONG?" Gordon took a breath "the wall ate me and now I'm about to be- oh shit the machines putting me in your suit ahhhhh Scotty HELP IM SLIDING! AHHH IM ON A PlAtFoRm HELP MEEEE" Scott chuckled slightly then realised his reckless and clumsy 14 year old brother a) had access to TB1 and b) was on a moving platform really high up.

After everyone was safe and done laughing the terror trio sat in the theatre room and discussed their plans. 

This is just the beginning of floor is lava...

It will continue.

2. Scott

Scott was sitting in the lounge casually working on his holopad when the Comms beeped, he pressed the answer button and Gordon, Alan and Georgias faces popped up on the screen, all looking slightly concerned, Scott frowned in worry "you guys ok?" Georgia smiled "yeah we just want some help with something, can you come down?" Scott nodded and the Comms flickered off.

As he got to the hanger he walked to the centre and looked around tb2 was on a mission so the place looked deserted, he looked around and saw the three youngest standing on crates Alan with a camera in his hands. Gordon and Georgia shared identical smirks "you have 7 seconds, the floor is lava" they said in unison.

Scott didn't really care about these games but his competitive streak forced him to at least put in some effort. He sprinted full speed for a workbench and jumped into the air landing perfectly on the top with 1 second to spare. He sighed in relief and got down walking over to the trio laughing on the floor "that was awesome!" Alan said happily.

1 down 3 to go.

3. John 

John didn't come to earth often, he basically live on tb5 with EOS but this was one of the rare occasions he did come down, and to the twins ( Alan swapped with john on 5) it was the perfect time to scream the floor is lava at an un-suspecting sibling.

John wandered through the living room humming to himself when the twins came barreling towards him, Georgia with a camera in her hands "the floor is lava!" Gordon screamed as he jumped onto the couch, Georgia took the coffee table, and john, who was still getting use done to gravity, promptly fell on his face with a groan.

Gordon gasped dramatically "JOHNNY NOOO! YOULL DIE," John just stayed where he was and sighed "I welcome the void" he said in a monotone voice. With that the twins laughed and sent the video to Alan. 

Who laughed harder.

4. Virgil

Virgil was exhausted, he wanted to drink his coffee and go to sleep, but the terror trio had other plans. "Hey Virg!" Georgia said cheerily, Virgil grunted in response to tired to talk, realising how great an opportunity this was Alan got the camera pressed record and set it on the table "THE FLOORS LAVA" the twins yelled, the trio turned to run but Virgil got up and jumped on top of the 3 teens before they could get away, they each let out a sound of disapproval as they hit the ground.

Virgil laughed as the 3 gasped under his weight, Scott watched from the doorway and john on the holo screen, they were both laughing really hard but trying to be silent at the same time, they failed and Gordon exposed them. 

1 scary ass big sister to go.

Then it's the end for them.

5. Kayo

Kayo was in the training room when the terror twins entered (Alan on 5 once again) they walked up to the sparring mat and shared a grin "you know what Kayo? I think the floor might be lava!" Gordon yelled.

 Kayo jumped into the air and pulled herself up into a chin up, her feet off the floor and flipped herself on top. The twins were gobsmacked, they thought she'd sprint but no she turned into a freaking gymnast. Georgia lowered the camera and sent it to Alan once Kayo back flipped off the top of the bar.

"That waS AWESOME!" Georgia screeched and ran up to her big sister "you gotta teach me!" Kayo giggled, "I will but I have to teach you the basics first, ok?" Georgia nodded enthusiastically and Kayo began teaching the twins, Gordon joining in straight after Georgia mentioned it.

+1 the floor is literally lava

Scott and Virgil had taken Gordon and Georgia on a rescue to a volcano were some scientists were stuck in a cavern, with the volcano about to erupt. Scott kept an eye on the volcano and Virgil moved rocks around, leaving the 14  year olds to get the scientists out of the caverns. 

The two ventured down the trails collecting 17 scientists total and bring them out. The pair then went back into the tunnels to see if there were any other people but the volcano exploded sending lava down the tunnels, nearing the exit they could see lava ahead so climbed a nearby rock in order to keep off the ground. Gordon lifted his watch to his lips "Scott, Virgil! THE FLOOR IS LAVA" he yelled into the Comms, Scott face palmed and Virgil sighed "This is not the time guys!" 

Gordon frowned and then screamed as the lava got closer to him and his twin "NO SCOTT, VIRGIL! ME AND GEORGIE ARE LITERALLY ABOUT TO BE CONSUMED BY LAVA! WE DIDNT REACH THE EXIT IN TIME WE ARE ABOUT 70 METERS AWAY FROM THE EXIT!" Georgia screeched as lava came up the back of the rock as well, Scott and Virgil panicked. "Ok guys try and get higher scotts coming with 2 extra jet packs hold on" 

The pair climbed up the rock more and found a ledge and sat as far back on it as they could, it was getting really hot and both Georgia and Gordon were on the verge of passing out when they heard Scott coming to their rescue. 

Once the twins were safe on TB2 and treated for heatstroke they went back to the island and told Alan and john about how they nearly lost floor is lava...

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