A/N BOLD writing is texting!
Georgia hid her phone behind a text book and opened up Scott's contact, she was FREEZING TO DEATH. She set her hoodie on fire during science and it had to be chucked out so now she was in a t-shirt and ripped jeans dying of hypothermia!
Georgia: hey scooter can u find me the biggest baggiest hoodie possibly and drop it to me at school?
Scott: why?
Georgia: ummm...
Georgia: I kinda set myself on fire during science and my hoodie burned?
Scott: WHAT!? How did you- you know what I'll just bring you the hoodie and we'll talk later, ok?
Georgia: cool meet me near the front door at 12:00, cool?
Scott: 👌
Georgia walked towards Gordon and shivered, she didn't tell Scott this but Gordon lost his hoodie in the science lab fire as well. Georgia smirked at him "Scotts bringing me a hoodie! I won't freeze to death" Gordon looked betrayed, but it was kinda his fault so she didn't mind, he grabbed his phone and stormed off towards the library.
Gordon: hey Scott u know how Georgia lost her hoodie in the science lab fire?
Scott: ...yeah?
Gordon: I lost my hoodie as well and she betrayed me!
Gordon: she said we would freeze to death together but she left me!
Gordon: so I ask- no- beg of u to bring me the baggiest warmest hoodie possible! Plz
Scott: fine ill bring it when I meet Georgia
Scott: come to the front doors at 12:00, ok?
Gordon: 👍
11:50 came and the twins were huddled together for warmth while Alan watched in amusement as they froze, his hoodie was still intact. "Hey Tracy twins ya good?" A classmate, Nate said, concerned, the pair of shivering teens nodded "y-yeah s-s-Scott is bringing us h-hoodies at 12:00" Gordon said as he shivered, Nate nodded and turned back to the class.
The bell rang at exactly 12 and the twins packed up there stuff and sprinted out the door, while Alan stood up and laughed his head off at the two blue in the lips 14 year olds. "GORDON AND GEORGIA TRACY GET BACK HERE THE BELL DOESNT DISMISS YOU I DO!" The teacher screeched out the door, the pair trudged through the classroom and back to their desks "yes miss" they said in unison as they sat down "ok, Gordon, Georgia you two are going to be last to leave" about 40 seconds later everyone had rushed out of the class the twins right behind them.
The pair threw their books into their lockers and sprinted to the front of the school were Scott was waiting with their hoodies. Scott saw them and waved from outside but just as they opened the door someone came up behind them and grabbed them by the back of the shirt "WHERE DO YOU THINK YOUR GOING?!" Oh oh, it's the principal Scott just about shat himself as he stood outside with the two hoodies and Gordon gave a death glare that would shut anyone up.
Except Scott.
"Principal Kent it's not what it looks like Scott was just bringing us hoodies coz we accidentally set ours on fire during science!" Gordon said cheerfully, the principal looked out the window and Scott waved and held up two oversized hoodies. The principal let the twins go "ok but next time- WAIT DID YOU SAY U CAUSED THE SCIENCE LAB FIRE THIS MORNING!?" Georgia laughed awkwardly "we didn't say that exactly..." the man before them pinched the bridge of his nose, "ok, go get your hoodies and then we'll have a nice long chat about science lab safety" the pair grimaced and ran out the door.
They begged Scott to take them home but he just laughed his head of and said enjoy detention.
Turns out they got a weeks suspension so Scott, Virgil, Kayo and John has to deal with them for a whole week.
How fun!

Thunderbirds are go one-shots
FanfictionSo like, I know the thunderbirds aren't a huge fandom on wattpad, so I won't be surprised if nobody reads this. I just need a place to write down stories to relieve stress and boredom and wattpad was the right place! These are mainly about Gordon an...