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~~7 years ago~~

"WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU GORDON, HOW ARE YOU EVEN MY SON?!" Jeff screamed at his second youngest son, Gordon didn't want to go straight to college, he wanted to train for the Olympics and world surf championships, or keep going with his modelling career, he was 18 and already successful in these subjects, he wanted to continue! "DAD, THIS IS WHAT I WANT TO DO YOU CANT STOP ME!" Gordon was seething, "GORDON AS LONG AS YOUR UNDER MY ROOF YOU LISTEN TO MY RULES" Gordon was hurting inside a little bit but kept a straight face "Then I guess I'm leaving huh?" Jeff was taken back, Gordon turned around and went to his room, Jeff watching in stunned silence as Gordon stomped out of the office.

He said goodbye to his siblings Georgia and Alan were extremely sad to see him leave, but the rest of his siblings were just plain pissed, well that's how they looked, inside they were all super upset, but decided to keep a tough guy image as he left their lives for the foreseeable future. He kept in touch with Alan and Georgia by phone, but soon it became less and less.

~~5 years ago~~

Gordon and Rayla walked down the sidewalk together, they had gotten married a few months ago, and now Rayla was Pregnant! He is now an Olympian with a gold medal, a world surfing champion and an extremely famous model, as well as a marine biologist and oceanographer, he is all the things his father said he couldn't be, AND he was nearly as rich as his father for fucks sake! he did this all by himself, he had a lovely wife, and soon he'd have a lovely son/daughter, he kind of wished he could share it with his family, but he didn't want to see them yet.

This is Rayla/Gordon's wife

He has an amazing network of friends he lives with 6 of them in his mansion! Paiyton, Zack, Santos, Evelyn, Andy and Mac

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He has an amazing network of friends he lives with 6 of them in his mansion! Paiyton, Zack, Santos, Evelyn, Andy and Mac. They have been like his second family, they were what kept him going when he felt like giving up, or stopped him from messing anything up between him and Rayla, they were with him through thick and thin, no matter what.

~~ 1 year ago ~~

Gordon held his daughter in her little black dress, it has been 3 weeks since Rayla was claimed by Cancer, they tried everything but nothing worked, so now he stood in front of the crowd of people, reciting a speech in honour of his late wife, he looked at his daughters confused face, her name is Coral Lucille Tracy, she was the light of their lives, as he went down to retrieve his daughter from mac he had tears in his eyes "when's mummy coming home dada?" An innocent 3 year old face looked up at him for answers "I'm sorry baby girl she-she's not coming back, she is in a better place now, just like grandma Lucy, it-its called heaven coral, it is a wonderful place we're mummy will be loved just like she was on earth." Coral nodded as tears went down both their faces, Gordon walked to the back of the church, everyone heard what Gordon had said to coral and were crying as well. 

Gordon and coral left the church and went into the garden, the 25 year old sat on the grass near Raylas new grave, coral sitting on his lap.

Coral slept in Gordon's bed for a little while, now understanding where mummy had gone and why. You would have thought a 3 year old her age would ask something like why can't mummy come back? But not coral, she looked up into Gordon's eyes as tears streamed out of her own, and whispered "was mummy in any pain?" Gordon let tears slide out of his eyes "I'm not sure baby, I'm not sure"

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