Survivors guilt

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John felt sick.

He was here sitting in a hospital bed, still breathing, still able to watch his brothers and sisters grow up, still able to interact with the people around him.

While his mum layed in a room in the floor above him, a white sheet covering her body.

Never would she be able to talk to him or his siblings again, read books to him, swim with Gordon and Georgia, play piano with Virgil, drive Scott to a football game, watch Kayo practise her karate, even lay on the couch with dad.


Dad would hate him.

So would his siblings.

Mum protected him from the snow and debris raining onto them during the avalanche, she's dead now and it's his fault.

If he wasn't here they would be at home, mum smiling at them, making jokes, reading a book.

he already misses her, he wants to hear her voice, smell the beautiful perfume she always wore, feel her long orange hair against him as she hugged him close to her chest, telling him how much she loved him, that she was her son and he'd be ther with him no matter what.

Now the 12 year old sits in his hospital bed alone while the doctor goes to tell his family he's awake.

And he's terrified that they'll hate him for being the reason mum is dead.

For being alive when she isn't.

"John... thank god your alright" Jeff says tiredly

And John chokes.

Because dad should be angry.

Dad should be screaming at him.

Telling him that he should have died instead of mum.

That it's HIS FAULT.

"I'm sorry dad, I'm sorry I'm so so sorry, it's my fault it shoulda been m-"

He's cut off as his dad hugs him.

Clutching him to his chest.

And this shouldn't be happening.

Because John KNOWS he shouldn't be loved after living when mum couldn't.

"We LOVE YOU John. Don't doubt that. It wasn't your fault. Nobody blames you"

And yet his dad is here loving him despite everything.

And now he cries because his siblings are here.

Little 7 year old Kayo being lifted onto the bed and is hugging him

"Johnny, we luv you so so so so sooooo much"

And he keeps crying as 3 year old Alan is placed against his side.

And  Gordon and Georgia the little 4 year olds are hugging his arm begging him to not go like mummy did.

And he sobs as Virgil and Scott wrap their arms around him from either side.

And his dad holds his hand smiling sadly.

"We love you, son. It wasn't your fault. We're HAPPY your still with us."

And John breaks down completely.

Because maybe they're right. 

Maybe it wasn't his fault mum didn't make it...

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