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"Hurry up, Mo, I'm growing impatient~"

"Yeah yeah, don't get your balls in a twist."

"Dibs five!"

"Jian Yi, you'll upset your stomach."

"I'll drink tea right after then!"

"Ouu, I wouldn't mind having tea~"


The unlikely group of friends were sat in the home of Mo Guanshan's house, obviously not invited, when did they ever do something planned?

No, they broke into Mo's house (He tian used a spare house key he got made) and after nearly being beaten to death with a bat that Mo kept for intruders, like right now, they demanded to be fed and then they would leave.

So as of now, Mo placed down a a bamboo steamer with dumplings inside, a recipe he learnt from a cooking show.

He sat in the only available seat which was next to that devil, He tian, since of course, Jian Yi and Zhan Xi were sitting together.

"Oh, little Mo~" He tian purred mischievously next to the red head, who didn't want to give him the attention he craved.

But he knew too well what would happen if he didn't.

"What the fuck do you want?" He answered with no interest whatsoever. He just wanted these idiots to leave already.

He tian had head leaned against his palm as the other hand occupied a pair of chopsticks with a dumpling being held,

"Feed me."

"Eat shit." And with that reply, redhead returned to eating silently.

He tian simply smirked before eyeing the duo across from them.

"Xi Xi! That looks like a heart shape!" The blonde pointed out.

Zhan Xi looked at the dumpling he had chosen and nodded, "It does. Do you want it?" He asked, already knowing the answer by his friends hungry eyes.

He inched the dumpling towards Jian Yi's lips, who accepted it happily and then both carried on normally.

He tian started to wonder, what would happen if someone came between them? Surely it would be very entertaining.

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