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"On the way home, can we get milktea?"

"Mm, we can."




Both boys rubbed their heads in confusion as they were blocked from their path.

The smell of a cigarette and fresh linen was present making them both sigh.

"What do you think he's doing here?"

"I'm not sure, but you're not going to talk to him got it?"

"You think I want to? He's a creep-"

"-I can hear you both."

The two boys looked up to see brother Qiu with his grim appearance.

Zheng Xi pulled his friend aside to walk past the male, not saying a word.

This made the older one sigh and put out his cigarette.

He was here to meet He Tian, but he also knew the meeting involved Jian Yi.

He decided to go wait near his motorcycle, but when he had turned around he was face to face with a red haired boy instead.

"Ah," he thought, "this one follows He Tian around."

The red haired then pointed to the vehicle and looked back, "is that yours?"

Qiu raised an eyebrow, he walked to the said bike and leaned against it.

Mo, the red head, approached him once again and kneeled down.

"Please, let me ride with you- ow!"

"Can't believe I caught you on your knees for another man."

He Tian pulled Mo by the collar and made him stand up normally.

"So you came?"

"I'm about to leave, make this quick."

"I know I ask for favours, but this one would be more of a favour to your boss."

If there's one thing about He Tian, it's that he knows way less than he thinks.

"Right, who is this about?"

"Oh you'll know," the raven haired smiled and pulled Mo to his side, "now if you'll excuse us,"

Brother Qiu watched the two walk away, the red head called Mo, would push He Tian away a lot.

Did he really have to return? The four kids always tired him.

Well, until next time.

// this was incredibly short hehe 👉👈 //

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