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Zhan Zheng Xi reached into his pants pocket, pulling out a folded note.

"Mom's busy, the least I could do is buy the groceries."

The brunet looked around the market, trying to figure out which aisle he should head to first.

Maybe it's best he checks each one and grabs whatever he needs from that specific aisle.

If he's quick enough, he can head home and continue playing his game.

That's right, he just needs to be in and out.

There's just one problem...

"XiXi~ this carrot looks naughty!"

"Why did I agree to him tagging along?"

It all started with a phone call and somehow it ended with the two going shopping for Zhan Xi's kitchen.

The brunet placed fresh tomatoes in the trolley cart, gently placing it next to the carrots he had added in earlier.

Or- more like Jian Yi had thrown in as if it were a basketball.

"Yi, grab the green onion,"

"I don't like green onion."

"Did I ask? Just grab it."

The blond grabbed the bunched up green onion, until another hand grabbed the top.

"Who the hell-"

"Oh! Brother Mo~"

Zhan Xi immediately turned to where his friend was and to his surprise, it really was the red head.

"Tch, my damn day is ruined," Guanshan grunted, swinging the small basket on his wrist away from Jian Yi.

"So, He Tian has you doing the household shopping? You're such a good wife, Mo~" the blond teased.

Guanshan clicked his tongue, his fist making way to grab the others shirt,

"I'm not that assholes lap dog!" He couldn't help but look away.

In a way, yeah- he was doing some shopping for He Tian's kitchen.

He grabbed the green onion but felt it tug the other direction.

"What the hell are you doing?"

"I grabbed it first." Deadpanned Jian Yi.

The red head tugged it closer, "let go, I'm not in the mood."

"No way, Zhan Xi needs this."

"You think I care? He Tian will kick my ass if I don't get all the ingredients."

The blond grinned, eyes hooded but his brows perked.

It was the type of expression Guan Shan hated. It held so much mischief.

"Awe, you scared of the pretty boy?"

Of course he would say that, thought Mo Guan Shan.

"You're testing my patience today, little Mo." Guan Shan felt the hairs on his neck tickle,


Mo Guan Shan whipped his head around.

He Tian stood with his hands in his pockets, eyes piercing down at the redhead.

"I'm grabbing the last Ingredient," but Mo's hands were empty.

"Sorry, carrot top." Jian Yi placed the green onion in the cart, "just use red onion,"

"The fuck?"

He Tian nodded, "just use red onion." The ladder repeated.

As if he were the only one with a brain cell, Guan Shan pointed at the vegetables.

"Are you two incompetent?! It's not the fucking same!"

"Colour doesn't matter, Mo." Jian Yi muttered, placing a hand on the redheads shoulder.

He Tian chuckled into his hand, the whole day he was teasing his Mo, and treating him unfairly.

It was amusing to see the redhead explode over something so trivial.

Before Mo Guan Shan could throw a tantrum, he was dragged out by He Tian, whom seem satisfied with the outcome.

Jian Yi was also happy, mainly because he was able to get another ingredient on his friends list.

But Zheng Xi didn't seem one bit satisfied.

As the employee scanned the items and bagged them, Zheng Xi silently grabbed the bags and went ahead.

Even the walk back to his house was quiet.

After they dropped the bags off, Jian Yi took it as a sign to take his leave.

"Yi, where are you going?"

The blond gestured to the door, "to put my shoes on,"

"Don't bother, mom isn't home yet,"

Jian Yi blinked.

Did he just get asked to stay?

The blond followed the other to his room, more peppy than usual.

"What did you wanna do?~"

The brunet shut the door behind him,

And made way to his bed, laying down with his arm covering his face.

The blond sat on the end of the bed, pretty much bored so he tugged the others leg.

"Xi, let's do something~"

No response.

He tugged aggressively, "are you asleep?!" The blond shouted.

But when he received no answer again, he pouted his lips and stood up.

Jian Yi was gonna grab the console controller, but he was pulled back onto the bed.

Zheng Xi had pulled Yi down by his waist, making the blond lay directly on top of him.



Jian Yi couldn't process what was going on, he could only feel Zhan Xi's arm wrap around his torso.

"Just lay with me, Yi."

Zheng Xi's voice was soft.

His grip was tight but in a safe and reassuring way; it made Jian Yi relax his body, and release any bit of tension he held.

It wasn't long till Jian Yi was softly snoring.

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