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"L-let go! Damnnit!"

"Oh I intend to let you go, after I inspect your injury, Mo,"

The tall male dragged his thumb over Mo's soft lip, the same place where he had been hit accidentally.

"Shall I suck out the pain?~"

"I wasn't bitten by a snake! I was hit by that dumbass!"

"Hey, I said sorry, can we get on with the game?" Zhan Zheng Xi sighed aloud

He Tian looked back at the others and nodded, not before winking at Mo.

The redhead flipped up the bird, because he was too tried to throw a tantrum.

"Jian Yi, over here!" The blonde looked over to see Zheng Xi running towards the basket, for a split second his mind wandered somewhere else but he stopped and passed the ball to his teammate.

Zheng Xi aimed the ball, throwing it with precise strength and watching it slide through the net.

"Woohoo!" The blonde cheered in his place, raking back his long locks, "I need water~"

Mo squatted down near the pole that held the hoop, scooping up his water bottle.

"Look somewhere else, I'm not sharing." The redhead growled, gulping down his cool water.

Jian Yi muttered a "greedy little carrot" before skipping off to the sinks.

Zheng Xi let himself rest on the side of the court, while He Tian,

"Red, give me some of that,"

Mo glared to his left, flipping his finger once again and barked out a "No,"

"So stingy~" the raven haired taunted, walking to Zheng Xi and patting his shoulder, "let's go get water,"

The brunette nodded and followed his friend.

Just as they were a few feet from the water taps, He Tian stopped in his place, making the brunette also halt.

"Jian Yi, you look tired~"

"Wah~ his hair looks softer than usual~"

"Pretty sure that's just sweat-" the blonde splashed water on his face, not really paying much attention to his two female classmates.

"What are you doing after this?"

Jian Yi raked back his hair, this time it was damp so it raked back thoroughly, "dunno..."

"We would love to have you pose for the magazine club!"

The blonde stood with a blank face, he was thinking of the wrong magazine.

"Your hair, if only it could- May I touch it?

Jian Yi leaned down to the shorter girl, his face coming closer with every inch, "sure,"

The girl blushed madly and almost forgot what her name was, "o-oh,"

He Tian watched with curious eyes, "well well well, would you look at that-", the raven haired was shocked to see the spot beside him empty.

"Jian Yi,"

The blonde looked to the voice and smiled, "oh, hey XiXi!"

The brunette looked between his friend and the girl, he soon questioned what he was even doing.

With some sense slapped into him, he walked to the other end of the sink and splashed water onto his face.

"Oh no, we should get back, bye bye~"

Jian Yi waved lazily before returning to his friend, "Do you think I'd look good in a magazine?,"

Zheng Xi shrugged in response,

"Maybe newspaper?"

"You'd look good either way."


Fuck- did I say that out loud?


"He said you'd look good either way." He Tian was leaning on the sink, a big grin on his face.

Zheng Xi clenched his jaw, before walking away quickly.

The blonde followed him shortly after, teasing him furthermore.

"This just became entertaining."

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