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"Draw four."


"Oi, dipshit, draw four cards!"

Jian Yi's bottom lip quivered as he began to add four more cards to his hand.

"Don't get all pouty, you know Zhan Xi is a freak at games" He Tian glanced towards the brunette, Zhan Xi kind of looked offended, "Well, aren't you?" He asked.

"Why are we still playing? he's won every game, this is getting old." The redhead grumbled, leaning his cheek into the palm of his hand.

"Hm, how about we up the stakes?" He tian smirked as an idea popped up in head, usually it wasn't something good, "Loser has to do a favour for all the winners".

Mo scoffed and looked at his hand, "You haven't won a single game, I can't wait for you to be a lap dog." He cockily smiled at the thought of giving He tian an order.

He tian smiled sweetly and brushed back his dark hair,

"Confident are we?"

"It's your turn, Jian Yi."

In under two minutes, Zhan Xi had gotten rid of all his cards, as expected.

Surprisingly, Jian Yi was the second, jumping up from his spot and cheering loudly.

all that was left was redhead and the devil.

Mo put down two cards, leaving just one in his hand, where as He tian had a total of six left.

"Too easy" Mo had thought to himself.

But He Tian wasn't phased in the slightest, in fact- his eyes were full of excitement.

"Hurry up, will ya?" Mo's hand shook a little, he was going to win this game. He was so sure of it.

He Tian lifted the crease of his lips, just as he did, his hand put down five cards, they were all pickup cards.

"YOU HAD THOSE THE WHOLE TIME?" Jian Yi shouted, earning a look from Zhan Xi to quiet down.


"Well, little Mo? can you block that?" The devil leaned his head to the side, giving the redhead a look of pity and mockery.

Mo could just feel the cocky smirk on He Tian's face. He almost crumpled up the card which was a mere number seven.

"Fuck this shit, what do you assholes want?"

"I want a snack!"

"snacks are fine with me." Zhan Xi didn't really know what he would want from redhead.

"I'll use my favour tonight."

"What the fuck does that mean?"

"You'll find out~"

So there Mo Guan Shan was. At the mini convenience store around the corner from He Tian's apartment.

Mo was grumbling all sorts of swear words from his mouth as he snatched snacks from the shelves in a salty manner.

With a swift turn he had collided with another body,

"Oh, my bad-" The redhead had looked at who he had bumped into and of all people it had to be him.

"That's right, it is your bad, how will you repay me?"

"She Li..."

"Hm, don't you think that's too much food?"

Mo didn't answer, he just wanted to leave right then and there.

"Unless, He Tian is with you? still, that's a lot."

"Why do you even care?"

"Ah, could it be that your'e with that dumb blonde too?"

Mo raised his eyebrows, why was he mentioning Jian Yi?

She Li smiled but it wasn't the comforting kind, "Tell him I said hi" The grey haired male started to walk away until he was standing side by side with Mo, "Ah and if he gets thirsty, you should buy him his favourite soda, strawberry."

Mo gripped the packet of snacks he was holding, he knew there was something wrong when he saw Jian Yi like that. But why was She Li even doing this?

"What does he want from you, Blondie?"

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