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Jian Yi pressed the button softly, hearing the vending machine clank and vibrate as his drink fell into his sight.

He reached down to grab it, only to hear the surface of the machine get slammed by something, and two pair of feet stand behind him.

His heart raced a bit because he felt like he knew who it was and surely enough, a voice spoke making his heart drop to the floor.

"Miss me?"

Jian Yi turned around, so he was face to face with She LI, "No, not really." he replied coolly.

She Li smiled a gruesome grin, eyeing the bottom of the machine, "Thirsty?" he reached down and grabbed the can, inspecting it before pulling the tab and opening it.

The fizzy sound made Jian Yi internally cry because he really was thirsty, he was late to school, he practically ran here.

She Li took the can to his lips and gulped down the liquid, "Agh, you like drinking this sugary crap?"

Jian Yi shrugged and looked to the floor, "If you don't like sweet stuff then why drink it?" he mumbled softly.

"What was that? speak up."

Jian YI looked to his eyes and stayed silent, he was going to be very late today.

shit, Zhan Xixi is going to worry about him and ask him questions again- but maybe he can just say his bus was late? or maybe-


Jian Yi's eye widen, the cold air stuck to his skin as the soda dripped down his shirt and onto the floor.

She Li's breath hit his neck, "Your'e like a dumb puppy." he whispered, She Li then pulled the wet collar, "Don't ever disobey me, stupid dog." She Li pat the blondes face twice and walked away with his hands in his pocket.

why the fuck can't I move?

"Oi! There you are, dumbass! I need to copy your homework and so does Zhan-"

Jian couldn't hear Mo's voice, he was angry with himself.

"What the fuck did you do? why is your hair wet?" the redhead quirked his eyebrow.

Jian Yi looked up at redhead only to walk away.

Mo Guan looked at the ground, there was a can and its contents was leaking out, there were also footsteps fading out to the hall.

Mo really didn't care about Blondie's situation, yet he was sort of curious, so he followed the other to the bathroom.

There he saw at the sink was Jian Yi, his shirt in his hand stained with red and hair soaked to his face.



Jian Yi looked at the shirt and then the mirror, "Do you think...this'll come out?"

redhead looked at his shirt, covered in strawberry soda, the white was already fading into a light pink.

Mo suddenly heard sniffles and saw the Blondie sulking over the shirt, "OI! DON'T FUCKING CRY!"

Jian Yi's bottom lip pouted out as he held the heard shirt, "B-but Zhan Xi bought me this shirt!"

Mo glared his eyes and sighed out, "Fuck," he rolled up his sleeves and walked towards the sink, "Give it here."


Redhead never came back to class and Jian Yi never arrived. The mere thought kept Zhan Xi worried.

The bell rang, it was now first break and the two weren't around, so Zhan Xi walked around to see if he could find either of them but so far no luck.

He then spotted He tian. The brunette approached him about to speak until two guys bumped into him.

"Ah- sorry, man! anyways they kicked me out!"

"What? who would kick you out of the bathroom?"

"It was that Jian Yi guy and that red haired guy..."

Zhan Xi felt He tian next to him, both males were listening to the conversation.

"I don't know? but...they were naked..."



The two raced to the bathroom and before they could even open the door, they heard loud voices.

"You idiot! I told you not to get it on my shirt!"

"It feels weird if I'm the only one without clothes!"

"I'm trying to clean it! why can't you fucking wait?"

He Tian opened the door, the sight was so unexpected.

Jian Yi sat on the sink, back leaned onto the mirror with a hand raking through his hair, not to mention he was shirtless and damp.

Mo was in front of the sink, his shirt was folded onto the side as he had another in the sink, not to mention, he was also shirtless.

He Tians phone camera flashed, chuckling into his hand.

"You better fucking delete that."

"Hey, XiXi! oh! Don't look at the sink! CARROT, HIDE THE SHIRT!"


Zhan Xi couldn't take it anymore, he rushed to Jian Yi and yanked his wrist, dragging him out of the bathroom.

Mo was guessing they were going to get another shirt, why was he still cleaning this one?

He put it down and wiped his hands with paper towels.

As soon as he turned around, his shirt was no longer on the bench, it was in He Tians hands.

"What are you doing? give me my shirt, asshole."

He Tian smiled mischievously, "Hm? come and get it." the raven haired male ran out of the bathroom and Mo sighed,

"Why am I even here?"

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