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"Right, where is it?"

Jian Yi muttered incoherent words as he looked through a cabinet filled with all types of first aid supplies.

The nurse wasn't present when he had stumbled into the nurses office, but Jian Yi believed he could take care of it himself.

He was wrong.

"I don't understand...where do they keep the alcohol to clean the wounds?" The blonde was puzzled as he grabbed a bandage and a cotton swab.

He sat himself down on the bed and felt his jaw, he mostly had a bruise on his torso and eye, his jaw and lip were cut.

"I wish he were here..." he didn't call anyone, Jian Yi knew his friend had class, besides, he knows how to patch himself up.

But as if it were fate, the door burst open.

The blonde whipped his head to the sudden entrance, expecting the nurse, but instead he saw who he was missing.

"Zhan Xi! Ouch-" he had gotten a little too excited and the cut in his lip stung like a bitch.

The brunette rushed over to the bed, Jian Yi watched as his friend leaned over him, hands on his shoulders and eyes filled with deep concern.

"Are you okay? How bad is it? Where's the nurse?"

Zheng Xi was talking in such a rush, he saw so much going on with Jian Yi's face and the bruises-

Jian Yi places his hands over Zheng Xi's and moved it away, "I don't know where the nurse is- hey, don't you have class?"

"I don't care! Are you an idiot? Do I need to spell it out for you? I was worried this entire time-" Zheng Xi sighed, hanging his head low and releasing another deep breath to slow down his heart.

"Jian Yi, you should know by now, that you come first no matter what." He looked at the blonde, to see if anything he was saying was being heard.

Jian Yi didn't know it, but he had teared up, he tried to cover it with a smile but Zheng Xi pulled him into a hug.

Jian Yi embraced him back, it became a little awkward so Zheng Xi sat next to him and then stared at the supplies on the bed.

"Did you clean your wounds yet?"

"No," the blonde sniffled, "I couldn't find the alcohol cabinet."

Zheng Xi so badly wanted to call him out on his headassery, he simply walked to the cabinet and grabbed the alcohol wipes.

Jian Yi felt as Zheng Xi was gently cleaning his lip, the awkward silence was a little too much.

"It's such a shame,"

"Stop moving."

"These damaged lips can't kiss for quite a while..."

"Who would kiss you?"

"That's mean! Ouch~"

"I told you to stop moving didn't I?"

   •                 •                  •                 •                  •

"Fuck, it's come to this? Guess I have no choice now,"

He Tian closed the door and leant his back on the wall, hand holding his cellphone.

He finally called the number, yet he really wish he didn't.

"What do you want?"

"Hey~ don't be so hostile, I called in for a favour,"

"I'm not in the mood for your shenanigans."

"Okay, okay, let's talk, it's about your favourite person."

// I seriously wrote this in a bad mood 🗿 so if it's bad, I apologise 😔👊🏻 //

//nothing serious, I just really wanna eat ramen right now- //

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