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"Wah! All my favourites! how did you know?."
Jian Yi held the snacks to his chest and looked at his friend with a touched expression.

"Huh-" Mo looked away with a cruel face, placing the other bag on the small but convenient coffee table-"Like hell I would know what your favourite food is, that's a waste of space in my brain."

Zhan Xi grabbed a can of soda and clicked open the tab, "everything here is definitely Jian Yi's favourite, you didn't get any of the things we asked for." He mumbled out, taking a sip from the can and then making an unsatisfied face.

"You didn't ask for anything!"

He Tian stepped into the scene, placing an arm on Mo's shoulder, "I remember texting you to buy me a drink." The raven haired looked around the bag to only find sweet fruit flavoured drinks.

Mo had shrugged off the looks he had received, "they ran out." He moved the others arm and sat down.

Jian Yi was indulging himself with all his favourite snacks Mo had bought him.

Speaking of the devil- Jian Yi caught Mo's eyes on him, but weirdly the redhead instantly looked away. He decided to shrug it off.

"Jian Yi, we should leave before it rains." The brunette looked out the window and turned to his best friend.

Jian Yi was about to answer until a crack of thunder had made him jump.

"Fuck! It's storming?!"

"XiXi, I don't wanna walk in the rain, my food will go bad!"

"Leave it behind you pig"

"Oh no~ looks like you all have a long and wet journey ahead of you," He tian wasn't even trying to look concerned, his big grin exposed his sarcasm.

"Motherfucker- don't you have umbrellas?" He tian shook his head at Mo.

He tian had 12 umbrellas. Most of them were given to him by girls.

Jian Yi was gulping down a soda until jumping in his spot once again, "I know!" The rest of the group stared at him, "how about we use the plastic bags as hats?!" The blonde swayed the bag in the air with a stupid grin.

"He tian..."


"Please, let us stay the night."

"Okay, but you owe me," He tian traced his eyes over to Mo, cocking an eyebrow, "well, little Mo, will you be staying the night?"

"I don't want to sleep near any of you."

"I'll take that as a yes."

Zhan Xi had left to shower first, so He tian went to find spare clothes, of course he didn't really care much but still made a big deal out of it.

All that was left in the living room was Mo and Jian Yi.

Mo thought it would be the perfect time to ask what's been weighing on him this entire night.

"Oi, I need to ask you something."

Jian Yi was beside him, he had turned his head and tilted it, "What is it?"

Mo furrowed his eyebrows before breathing out, "are you...messing around with She Li?"

The question was like a hit to Jian Yi's chest, Why was he scared of the individual?

Mo saw the expression and knew what the answer was, just by seeing Jian Yi's face.

"I don't know why you're involved but I'm telling you...he's not good news." The redhead took a breath before continuing, "does Zhan Xi know you're hanging around She Li-"

A cold hand clasped Mo's mouth making him widen his eyes.

"Don't tell him." Jian Yi stared with a dull expression but it was also mixed with fear and desperation.

Mo simply pushed the other back and before he could even speak, Zhan Xi had walked into the living room.

"What are you two doing?" The brunette was drying his hair with a small towel as he had on grey sweats and a white shirt.

Jian Yi looked at Mo with pleading eyes, as if not tell him about She Li.

"I- uh- nothing!" Zhan Xi was taken aback by the loud tone but didn't pay any mind to it.

"Go shower now," he whipped the back of Jian Yi's head, earning an "ow!~"

The blonde had left the living room and went to go give He tian his clothing request, which was stupid because He tian doesn't take orders.

Zhan Xi had taken the spot next to Mo, he turned around to see that it was only of the two of them.

"So," he turned to the redhead, "what were you two really talking about?,"

Mo blinked and tried to play it off dumb but he didn't do a very good job.

"He doesn't want you to know."

Zhan Xi felt something break inside him, what was so important that Jian Yi couldn't tell him but could tell Mo?

He felt like he was...wronged? No- everyone has secrets of their own, even Jian Yi. Even so, Zhan Xi couldn't help but feel betrayed by the fact that Mo knew something he didn't about his best friend.

Now that he thinks about it, Mo and Jian Yi have been together lately...

They were alone in an alley, in a bathroom and Mo even bought all of Jian Yi's favourite snacks.

The brunette stared at Mo, almost with piercing eyes,

"Was Mo in detention that day?..." he shook away the thought but it still remained.

"Why are you staring at me? Look somewhere else."

Mo shouldn't have said anything, now he has to keep a secret from Zhan Xi, and frankly it looks like the guys dying to know what's going on.

God it was obvious.

"If you wanna know so badly, ask him yourself, I'm sure he'll tell you all about it."

Zhan Xi nodded,

"I'll ask him tonight then."

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