Chapter II

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Amy Carter

I walked to the cafeteria since Gray got himself some new friends but he's still my best friend though. He was now with the jocks even though he knows I dislike them.

Those guys were pigs if you ask me. They disrespected girls and treated them with no care.

I seriously needed to get me new friends, after standing there for what seems like minutes even some people started looking my way, I walked outside.

I sat under a shady tree, I took out my earphones and took out my sandwich.

After about 10 minutes sitting out wondering where Kendall might be.

She walked out with two girls
(New). She introduced them

"Heyyy Amy, meet the girls Chanelle Johnson and Jennifer Sky." They waved at me. They looked so cute.

I smiled "Hey nice to meet y'all, I'm Amy Carter."

So we all talked and got to know each other, they seemed cool. Chanelle likes Blue, she's into Hip Hop and she loves food. Jennifer likes Indigo, has two brothers both in college.

The bell rang and luckily we were all in the same classes, we headed to English.


It was time to go home already. I prepared myself for walking.

"Hop in, I'll drop you home," Grey told me.

Well I hopped in, "How was your day?" I asked him.

"It was just okay, I saw you with those new girl," he looked at me curious.

"Oh that was Chanelle and Jennifer, they pretty cool," I said with excitement. But then I wondered what if he falls in love with one of them. I would rejoice finally.

"Yea I know them, I once hung out with them, at a party," he smiled recalling the moment.

"Oh great," I said smiling and looked out the window.

I finally reached my destination and looked outside. I waved my hand at him and blew him a kiss. I turned quickly, I know he blushed.

He drove off and I went inside the house. I closed and locked the door, I knew my mom isn't coming home early today I started preparing food.

2 hours later

DING!!! I got a notification, I checked my phone...

Kendall: Hey girlie, guess what....😁
Me: What???🤦
Kendall: Chase asked me out on a date.🤞
Me: okay.... Who is Chase?🤔
Kendall: oh I forgot to tell you, remember Jennifer told you she has two brothers, one of the brothers asked me out, the blonde.😍
Me: Wow, that's nice Candy atleast you got a manssss 😊
Kendall: Yea hunny he's definitely minesss😉
Me: Okay bye girl I gotta finish cooking tell me all details tomorrow 😂

I finished cooking and it was about five o'clock, my mom wasn't here yet so I went to my room and wrote the homework.

I'm a straight-A student at school and I always made sure I did school things. I am always on time and I'm the teacher's favourite. I get away with almost everything.

Now it's seven-thirty and I heard the door open I already know it's mom cause she has a key. I went to the living room plus I was done with school work.

"Hey mom, where have you been?" I asked her taking the plates out so that I can dish out.

"Hello, I was out looking for a job and guess what?" She said with enthusiasm.

"You got a job!?" I asked her already feeling butterflies on the pit of my stomach.

"Yes baby I did, but it's not a high level one, I'm a domestic worker at one of the rich families at town." She said lowly wondering how I was going to react.

I hugged and kissed her on the cheek, "it doesn't matter mama, as long as you're doing something, I'm so happy for you."

I knew the sad days were gone, no more wondering what we're going to eat and what I'm going to wear.

We sat at the couch while watching our favourite reality shows.

After we done eating, my mom washed the dishes and we chilled,

"So mom tell me about your workplace," I told her.

"Well it is a really big house, the owner has 3 children and they own two businesses."

"Wow mom, that's so cool, so when are you starting to work and what are you doing there?" I asked her.

"Well I'm starting tomorrow and I'm a cleaner there," she told me.

I sighed "Okay mama I'm tired."

We hugged and we went to sleep. I went to my Instagram and I had 62 new followers today. I went to sleep with a happy heart today.


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